a lil frusterated by this past week


New member
so i'd been averaging losing 3-3 1/2 lbs a week... so i weigh in this morning and the scale (same one i've been using all 3 weeks) says i'm only 1 1/2 lbs down... i'm kinda frusterated but its okay. this past week i did cheat a lil bit... and i was unable to go to the gym twice because of this weeks pt test!!

good news though - i fit into these pants i havent been able to fit into for a year!
hi, your weight loss will slow down after a while, as to begin with you tend to lose a fair bit of water. i know it can be frustrating but 1 - 2 lbs a week is a safe and sustainable loss. considering you said you have cheated a bit etc i think you have done really well . keep going, slim
Dont stress the scale....

good news though - i fit into these pants i havent been able to fit into for a year!

Nuff said. So the scale didn't give you the numbers you expected, not a bi deal. The above line is MUCH more important than any scale.

Well done, keep up the good work!
