Dear world
I reach out to humanity as I have come across a discovery of tremendous importance. I urge you, whoever you are to read this through, from top to bottom. If you don't agree with me or cannot comprehend what I am to share with you, that is fine as long as the information have been passed on to someone. This is only information and I have no other agenda than to share it. Hopefully, enough people will get this, so that someone will be able to understand the weight of this knowledge.
If you support the evolution theory and know your history, you know that the basic structure of humans have evolved from apes during millions of years to what we are today. A long race of trial and error where constant and exponential gains in energy has led up to where we are today, in our technological culture. During this great span of evolution we have been forced to play by the rules of nature just up until very recent times. With this in mind, its safe to say that our physical bodies haven't really had time to adapt the way our minds and culture have and still work according to the rules of nature.
Paleolithic diets have tried to explain how we are supposed to eat only certain types of food just because of this very reason. But the theory of neutralizing nutrition reaches even farther and here's where all science has failed up until now:
Our bodies work according to a very simple principle where every type of movement requires a certain type of food, or nutrients. The most simple way to explain this is to look back how we believe the prehistoric man or even apes managed to get their foods.
If we start with heavy game meat, the only way to efficiently get hold of it regularly in a fresh state was to hunt. As mammals doesn't protect themselves like plants do with toxins, shells or high elevation placement they are dependent on movement to survive. Remember, we are still talking about the 99% of evolution where humans didn't have access to modern methods of hunting with traps and such, just pure brute force. This was most certainly done by clubs, rocks, axes and maybe spears or sticks. The killing moment itself requires therefore an explosive and massive strike and sometimes a sprint that leads up to the strike.
Now to the core of the theory...
The nutrients that are drained during the moment of the hunt are almost equally found in the meat, or actually the whole body of the kill. Compared to plants, red meat does contain a lot more protein and zinc and just those nutrients happen to be lost by the body in great abundance during an explosive and aggressive exercise. Do the science and you will find this is true. This is probably because of the quick muscle breakdown and the testosterone required to perform that task. This very simplistic example is not 100% accurate, but explains the point.
Now the principle can also be applied to all the other types of food found in nature with the same result.
Fruit. By moving strenuously up and down a tree to get fruit requires more static muscle work and thus different nutrients are required than the explosive hunt. If you look at the nutritional profile of a banana you see that it contains a lot less zinc and iron than the meat and therefore not suited for explosive work with probable blood loss. There is a direct correlation between the bodily work/movement and food suited for that work/movement. The carbohydrate vs protein also plays a role here as explosive muscle work breaks down tissue differently than strenuous muscle work. In other words, when regularly doing explosive movements you will need extra protein to efficiently heal the broken muscle fibers along with the other nutrients found in meat and when doing a climbing motion you will need different nutrients. No supplement or diets in the world can achieve better results to restore the body than this basic principle set by nature.
An important thing to note is that for neutralizing nutrition to work we have to consider all natural foods how they appear in their natural state.
This means a banana with peel, orange with peel, meat with organs and bone etc as this makes them "complete" foods and only then can they complete our nutritional profile. This is another great mistake we make today when we refine our foods. We loose tremendous amounts of certain nutrients when removing peel och byproducts from meat. Mostly calcium, iron, vitamin B6 and copper takes the greatest hit and by drinking milk to compensate for that calcium loss we only slightly corrects the problem as milk itself is already a complete food. The main issue here is with calcium in relation to phosphorus, where we often get an excess of phosphorus. This causes many health problems, but also many other deficiencies/imbalances are extremely common at most people today which causes tremendous damage to society.
If we move back to the food vs movement representations...
To catch birds, large or small, prehistoric man most certainly had to rely upon good stone throwing skills which takes a lot of precision and also bit of explosive muscle work. The nutritional profile for ducks, chickens and such should therefore be the perfect food representative for similar physical action. Without doing any science I have a great sense that vitamin E is associated with precision work such as aiming.
Fish is a little bit more tricky to catch and therefore requires more slyness and, no surprise, also contain more omega 3 fats than red game meat and its also known to stabilize memory and overall increase mental function. This is not a coincidence and I have tried and tested these representations by the hundreds. Its a constant that seem to be set in nature. A universal logic that we have overlooked for millennia and that makes me sad because this very fundamental knowledge affects EVERYTHING in our society today. As I mentioned, there are countless of more examples and they all fits perfectly into the theory but at this time it feels insignificant as the message from nature is very clear:
There are rules set in nature that are stored and remembered by our bodies as we have lived most of our evolution during these premises. This means, if we are to conquer our health we need to understand that there are nutritional consequences for every movement, breath and even thought we make that needs to be corrected by its representative foods/nutrients to maintain optimal health and efficiency.
Of course there are many other aspects to health such as purely mental factors that goes hand in hand with the physical ones and sometimes strong genetic boundaries that causes error to the equation. Even though, I am confident that the very core of human health can be conquered by understanding the principles behind neutralizing nutrition.
Can this be applied to modern mans diet?
Yes, but with a little twitch, and that is actually what we are doing right now by refining our foods. Almost everything we eat today is adjusted to enhance our mental capacity and sadly enough, too often to increase dopamine release as a painkiller as our bodies are deteriorating from the lack of nutrients in our food .
The dilemma lies in as where we need the refined foods to sustain our intellectual level our bodies inescapably take the hit. We try to solve this problem today by implementing mineral and vitamin supplements but as we don't understand the principle of neutralizing nutrition it can often do more harm than good. We need to know EXACTLY what minerals we need to create biochemical equilibrium in our bodies or even enhance a certain type of personal trait.
People today don't realize how much the mineral balances matter for our health and even our civilization's development as whole. It simply affects EVERYTHING, including personality and sometimes even our basic values. The amount of copper in your blood, for instance, immediately increases female traits including feelings of love as it is a major catalyst in production of female sex hormones and it may even change your sexual orientation. If you fill your diet for an extended period of time with tons of dark chocolate, hazelnuts and cashews you will feel the experience yourself...
The effect that this health theory can have on an even grander scale, could be increased productivity and in time of great distress, social and climatological disturbances we can survive by enhancing our immune functions by understanding neutralizing nutrition.
Today our minds work way ahead of our physical needs which makes us disconnected with our bodies. We look so far over the horizon that we have lost sight of the very thing right in front of us. As much of the science is done today we heavily focus on details by specializing on certain fields and have thus lost view of the whole picture and sometimes it requires a generalist like myself to pull the pieces of the puzzle together.
So, this is my contribution to humanity as goes for our vitality and I am ready to share my knowledge with anyone willing to listen.
What do I wish to achieve by sending this email?
I want people to:
1. Understand the importance of neutralizing nutrition
2. Start to calculate foods from their whole natural state to get a correct nutritional profile.
3. Do the science, refine my theory and ultimately apply its uses to mankind.
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A true friend of humanity and the All
I reach out to humanity as I have come across a discovery of tremendous importance. I urge you, whoever you are to read this through, from top to bottom. If you don't agree with me or cannot comprehend what I am to share with you, that is fine as long as the information have been passed on to someone. This is only information and I have no other agenda than to share it. Hopefully, enough people will get this, so that someone will be able to understand the weight of this knowledge.
If you support the evolution theory and know your history, you know that the basic structure of humans have evolved from apes during millions of years to what we are today. A long race of trial and error where constant and exponential gains in energy has led up to where we are today, in our technological culture. During this great span of evolution we have been forced to play by the rules of nature just up until very recent times. With this in mind, its safe to say that our physical bodies haven't really had time to adapt the way our minds and culture have and still work according to the rules of nature.
Paleolithic diets have tried to explain how we are supposed to eat only certain types of food just because of this very reason. But the theory of neutralizing nutrition reaches even farther and here's where all science has failed up until now:
Our bodies work according to a very simple principle where every type of movement requires a certain type of food, or nutrients. The most simple way to explain this is to look back how we believe the prehistoric man or even apes managed to get their foods.
If we start with heavy game meat, the only way to efficiently get hold of it regularly in a fresh state was to hunt. As mammals doesn't protect themselves like plants do with toxins, shells or high elevation placement they are dependent on movement to survive. Remember, we are still talking about the 99% of evolution where humans didn't have access to modern methods of hunting with traps and such, just pure brute force. This was most certainly done by clubs, rocks, axes and maybe spears or sticks. The killing moment itself requires therefore an explosive and massive strike and sometimes a sprint that leads up to the strike.
Now to the core of the theory...
The nutrients that are drained during the moment of the hunt are almost equally found in the meat, or actually the whole body of the kill. Compared to plants, red meat does contain a lot more protein and zinc and just those nutrients happen to be lost by the body in great abundance during an explosive and aggressive exercise. Do the science and you will find this is true. This is probably because of the quick muscle breakdown and the testosterone required to perform that task. This very simplistic example is not 100% accurate, but explains the point.
Now the principle can also be applied to all the other types of food found in nature with the same result.
Fruit. By moving strenuously up and down a tree to get fruit requires more static muscle work and thus different nutrients are required than the explosive hunt. If you look at the nutritional profile of a banana you see that it contains a lot less zinc and iron than the meat and therefore not suited for explosive work with probable blood loss. There is a direct correlation between the bodily work/movement and food suited for that work/movement. The carbohydrate vs protein also plays a role here as explosive muscle work breaks down tissue differently than strenuous muscle work. In other words, when regularly doing explosive movements you will need extra protein to efficiently heal the broken muscle fibers along with the other nutrients found in meat and when doing a climbing motion you will need different nutrients. No supplement or diets in the world can achieve better results to restore the body than this basic principle set by nature.
An important thing to note is that for neutralizing nutrition to work we have to consider all natural foods how they appear in their natural state.
This means a banana with peel, orange with peel, meat with organs and bone etc as this makes them "complete" foods and only then can they complete our nutritional profile. This is another great mistake we make today when we refine our foods. We loose tremendous amounts of certain nutrients when removing peel och byproducts from meat. Mostly calcium, iron, vitamin B6 and copper takes the greatest hit and by drinking milk to compensate for that calcium loss we only slightly corrects the problem as milk itself is already a complete food. The main issue here is with calcium in relation to phosphorus, where we often get an excess of phosphorus. This causes many health problems, but also many other deficiencies/imbalances are extremely common at most people today which causes tremendous damage to society.
If we move back to the food vs movement representations...
To catch birds, large or small, prehistoric man most certainly had to rely upon good stone throwing skills which takes a lot of precision and also bit of explosive muscle work. The nutritional profile for ducks, chickens and such should therefore be the perfect food representative for similar physical action. Without doing any science I have a great sense that vitamin E is associated with precision work such as aiming.
Fish is a little bit more tricky to catch and therefore requires more slyness and, no surprise, also contain more omega 3 fats than red game meat and its also known to stabilize memory and overall increase mental function. This is not a coincidence and I have tried and tested these representations by the hundreds. Its a constant that seem to be set in nature. A universal logic that we have overlooked for millennia and that makes me sad because this very fundamental knowledge affects EVERYTHING in our society today. As I mentioned, there are countless of more examples and they all fits perfectly into the theory but at this time it feels insignificant as the message from nature is very clear:
There are rules set in nature that are stored and remembered by our bodies as we have lived most of our evolution during these premises. This means, if we are to conquer our health we need to understand that there are nutritional consequences for every movement, breath and even thought we make that needs to be corrected by its representative foods/nutrients to maintain optimal health and efficiency.
Of course there are many other aspects to health such as purely mental factors that goes hand in hand with the physical ones and sometimes strong genetic boundaries that causes error to the equation. Even though, I am confident that the very core of human health can be conquered by understanding the principles behind neutralizing nutrition.
Can this be applied to modern mans diet?
Yes, but with a little twitch, and that is actually what we are doing right now by refining our foods. Almost everything we eat today is adjusted to enhance our mental capacity and sadly enough, too often to increase dopamine release as a painkiller as our bodies are deteriorating from the lack of nutrients in our food .
The dilemma lies in as where we need the refined foods to sustain our intellectual level our bodies inescapably take the hit. We try to solve this problem today by implementing mineral and vitamin supplements but as we don't understand the principle of neutralizing nutrition it can often do more harm than good. We need to know EXACTLY what minerals we need to create biochemical equilibrium in our bodies or even enhance a certain type of personal trait.
People today don't realize how much the mineral balances matter for our health and even our civilization's development as whole. It simply affects EVERYTHING, including personality and sometimes even our basic values. The amount of copper in your blood, for instance, immediately increases female traits including feelings of love as it is a major catalyst in production of female sex hormones and it may even change your sexual orientation. If you fill your diet for an extended period of time with tons of dark chocolate, hazelnuts and cashews you will feel the experience yourself...
The effect that this health theory can have on an even grander scale, could be increased productivity and in time of great distress, social and climatological disturbances we can survive by enhancing our immune functions by understanding neutralizing nutrition.
Today our minds work way ahead of our physical needs which makes us disconnected with our bodies. We look so far over the horizon that we have lost sight of the very thing right in front of us. As much of the science is done today we heavily focus on details by specializing on certain fields and have thus lost view of the whole picture and sometimes it requires a generalist like myself to pull the pieces of the puzzle together.
So, this is my contribution to humanity as goes for our vitality and I am ready to share my knowledge with anyone willing to listen.
What do I wish to achieve by sending this email?
I want people to:
1. Understand the importance of neutralizing nutrition
2. Start to calculate foods from their whole natural state to get a correct nutritional profile.
3. Do the science, refine my theory and ultimately apply its uses to mankind.
0 5 0 2 0 2 0 21 0 20 0 19 0 5 0 11 0 5 0 18 0 5 0 20 0 5 0 16 0
A true friend of humanity and the All