I was wondering if my workout routine was a good one Im looking to get a good build but not huge Im 5' 10 130
20 minutes of cardiovascular activity
3 sets of 10 repetition
Leg press
Leg extension
Leg curl
Standing/seated calf raise
Lat pull down
Seated row
Biceps curl
Then abs
20 minutes of cardiovascular activity
3 sets of 10 repetitions
Chest Press
Inline chest press
Shoulder Press
Lateral raise
Triceps extension
Triceps push down
20 minutes of cardiovascular activity
Then Abs
Then I have weekends off
20 minutes of cardiovascular activity
3 sets of 10 repetition
Leg press
Leg extension
Leg curl
Standing/seated calf raise
Lat pull down
Seated row
Biceps curl
Then abs
20 minutes of cardiovascular activity
3 sets of 10 repetitions
Chest Press
Inline chest press
Shoulder Press
Lateral raise
Triceps extension
Triceps push down
20 minutes of cardiovascular activity
Then Abs
Then I have weekends off