Weight-Loss A good way to get veggies in your diet



New member
I've seen that a lot of people have trouble getting enough vegetables in their diet. One way to do this is something called Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA. What it is, is you subscribe to a local farm that you will buy whatever is being harvested at that time. It's different in every area. Here's a link to finding a farm near you that does this:

I've done this for a few years, now. It's pretty cool. You get a box or bag of vegetables, and it's all freshly harvested. You already have it, so why not cook it up. I'm sure that prices vary, but for me it's been right around $400 for 26 weeks. That comes to just over $15 for a good sized box or bag. I chose an organic farm, so maybe the non-organic is cheaper. Check it out if you are interested.

(On a side note, it does help out the local farmer.)
This is great! Thanks for sharing. I'm sure it will be useful to those who don't have access to locally grown fresh fruits and vegis. :)
Thanks Trops. I'm going to look for something like that in my area. It pisses me off here that our farmers are struggling severely yet when I go to buy produce at the grocery store it's stocked with produce from the U.S., Mexico, Chile, etc. even when the stuff is grown right here. I make a point to buy from local as much as possible. This should help.
I did a quick search for similar concepts here in Canada and I can't seem to find it, but I know there's a community garden just down the street from my place. I should see how I can get involved.