A few opinions please!! Should I run without water?

Hi all,

I have been doing 3km 3 to 5 days a week for a while now and just went up to 5km for a long run, well it's becoming more than the 3 now, I know I know it shold start out being my long run but I just get so eager to up the anty, anyway, how long before I need to get a camel back or something (is there anything else sensible?) without it being too unsafe for dehydration? I drink alot during the day, although alot is green tea, and feel ok doing 5km without water till I get home, but I do poop out before I want to alot too and have to walk the last km or so. Help!
My dragon boat team used to do a 5km run as a warm-up before paddling for an hour. On a team of about 25, no one took water with them, and some didn't even have any in between that and paddling. That might be a bad idea, but 5km really isn't that long a run (in terms of hydration). I've done almost 10km without any special pre-hydrating and just having a bottle of water when finished, so I don't think you need to worry (and for the record, I sweat a TON - way more than everyone else I know).
Well, I think it would depend on the weather. (Temp, humidity)

I would just use common sense, you know your body better than anyone else. It doesn't hurt to experiment. I would take water but not use any of it and see how you do. If you find that you need the water, you have it.
hey kaddy

Cube is right, I ran yesterday 2 miles in 100F with 95% humidity, the air was extremely thick and hard to breathe. But I been running a long time and know my limits.

some advice...

while running....try breathing through the nose and out through the mouth, like a cycle, you might need to practice it a little bit and get used to it, but I found that method best for me.

As for hydration, basically when you are running and you sweat, you are good...BUT if you get to the point where you are running and you sweat, then STOP sweating and your skin is dry and tightening up, it is time to stop and get hydrated, you are bordering on heat exhaustion, get in a shaded area and drink alot, slowly, small amounts at a time.

I would cut back on the green tea, and drink more water, after running get a energy drink (gatorade) and try eating some banana's later on, you need the potassium (sp?) they provide.

alot of it is mind over matter, I run around a lake and the last two laps are a killer for me, I just want to stop and walk, but after being in the military I realized my body can do more then I give it credit for, and I push ahead, instead of thinking I am on lap 6 or 7, I think, only 2 more laps to go, I can do it.....1 lap to do, no problem..... alot of it is mind games, I often find myself going back to my basic training days and singing the miltary cadences to keep my mind off the running and keep motivated.....it works. Listening to music helps as well.

good luck! I can't drink while running due to my breathing pattern, so if I am running and I heat that "dry" feeling....I am done and go drink some water, not worth to go into heat exhaustion or even heat stroke.....seen it, it's not pretty

Good luck and stick it out!
About water..

Thanks guys,
I do live in the Okanagan in Canada which is pretty hot and humid in the summer, went for my 5km today at about 3:00 and was too hot, could have used water, hands felt tight and pooped out way too fast...I think I will stick to running in the evening, I'm not diciplined enough to do it first thing in the morn. I am looking forward to upping it to 7 or 8 soon, I have to walk the incline up the mountain on my 5 already, maybe I should try to run that first, I dunno. I know that once I started a 5km even walking part of it, the 3km got easy instantly and I thought it would never get easier! Now I'm babbling...anyway thanks.
if running for fat loss just have a lot of water before and after...if running for performance have water and gatorade type drink before and after...someone posted it earlier but you just need to know your limits and recognise any danger signs