Hi all, I've lost 34 lbs - again - and I hope to lose another 10 or 15. Unfortunately, I've lost this much, more than a few times in the past but this time I did something different. I've always read all the articles on how to lose weight but I couldn't keep it off. This time I started reading on why people regain the weight. I quickly ran into the impact of sugar on the brain, how it acts LIKE an addictive substance, etc... but then I ran into a lecture video by a famous doctor (I'm not sure I can name him here) who flat-out said sugar IS an addictive toxin. I almost fell out of my chair! I realized that all these years, I've been trying to maintain weight loss all wrong. I cannot eat sugar in moderation. I am a sugar addict. I think I have to approach sugar the same way any other addict approaches their drug of choice. It was really hard to think I can never have m&m's with peanuts again but I'm getting used to the idea. I'm doing great now but I thought it would be a good idea to join this forum. If I have bad cravings hopefully someone will tell me "one day at a time."