A Diet for a 15 year old?


New member
Hello. I'm 15 years old, about 1.87 m (6,1 feet) tall and weigh 88 kg (194 pounds). And I want to lose weight (and gain a bit of muscles after that, but that's another story. Except if it is better to lose weight and gain muscles at the same time). I want to know what to eat every day, and what exercises to do and how much per week, and so on. I tried just trying to jog a few times, but every time I finish jogging, I'm so tired and in pain that I just say "never again". Plus I jog like 2 min and then walk 5 min and then jog 2 min again and so on, because i get tired very easily. That's all I can think of. If you need some additional info, ask.
Your age is less, your height is provisional with your age.

Eat healthy( not fatty) foods to grow your stamina.

Try to perform yoga. Make meditation.
Hi there.

From your height and weight it seems like you are not hugely overweight, so I’m guessing you are not intending to lose a huge amount. In fact you might want to prefer keeping weight fairly constant and focusing on reducing fat whilst building muscle (yes it is possible, more on that later). I will just give you a few general pointers in terms of diet and exercise, if you want more detail or advice on how to actually do these things in your specific life situation (teenager, I assume living at home, going to school, etc.) let me know.

1. Running: What you are doing is a good way to build stamina for jogging. However I would advise to forget about jogging completely and look into sprinting interval training instead. This will mean in your routine of jogging two min and walking five min you will replace the jog by a full on sprint – each time give it all you have, then walk until you have regained control of your breath just enough to be able to do it again. Do this 6-10 times and slowly build your level over time, making sprints longer and breaks shorter as you increase stamina. Allow for slow progress – building stamina takes time. The speed at which you lose fat may however surprise you. If you do nothing else, do this ideally every other day, but at least three times per week. Intense training that is short but leaves you completely shattered is the best for fat loss (in my experience).

2. Eating: Eat huge amounts of fresh vegetables, some good quality meat and fish, nuts and seeds, the occasional fruit and avoid any industrial foods. Basically anything that has been processed should raise alarm bells. Quit junk/fast food. Full stop. Make it a habit to check what’s in the food you eat and do not eat anything that has any added sugar in it. No cakes, cookies, mars bars, sodas, whatever it may be that tickles your fancy. Drink copious amounts of water. If you are prepared to take it to the next level, cut down on things like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, those things contain lots of carbohydrates which essentially prevent you from losing fat. Eat good carbohydrates (personally I prefer oatmeal) only before or after you exercise.

3. Weight training: If you do want to build muscle whilst losing fat, lift heavy, keep it simple and don't expect any miracles. If you want me to elaborate, let me know.

Hope that helps.
for your height you are not that overweight.

The running for a few minutes then walking is actually one of the best forms of exercise you can do called interval training, you should build it up to run fast 3/4 pace, walk 2 mins, jog 2 mins. Then remove the walking part.

For diet i dont need to say as lots of information out there, what i can say is eat little and often, split into 5 SMALL meals per day..

Mark Leroy, Saltcoats, CA
I lost 60lbs when I was 16 without even exercising lmao. Went from a bmi of like 32 to 24. Not tryna force this down everyone's throat but two words.

Eat Paleo.

No grains, no dairy, no legumes, no refined sugars, no synthetic chemicals.
Simple as that. It's easy. Then again, it's hard. It's easy if you truly desire to lose weight or get healthy. It's hard if you just want to lose weight or get healthy.
Although I am new here and to losing weight as well, you seem to have the right idea's. I found introducing lots of fruits and veggies helped, I love junk food and that's harder to quit for me. But I have found that I have created better habits with healthier options. I would say find healthy options you like and that work for you. You are also young and as you grow you might find the weight come off more easy. I wish I stuck with some type of sport when I was younger. I regret not staying in gym class. Best of luck :)