A desperate attempt.


New member
Hey everyone!
My name is Nathan and I'm 21 years old, I practically have my entire life in front of me but I'm just hindered by my weight.
I'd destroyed my self esteem, effected my ability to work out/participate in physical activities and maybe the smoking doesn't help either.
(Almost over with the sob story). I'm one of those people who say constantly that I'll do it tomorrow but that day never comes. I've been having some health issues lately and I've come to the realisation that I'm just killing myself.
I have a great physique/structure/silhouette, whatever you want to call it. I'm extremely broad and stand at about 6". I used to play rugby so I carry my weight well.
For the past 4 days I've been eating pretty well and have resisted the temptation to put any junk food in my mouth.
Standing at 21st 4pounds I feel things have gotten a little out of hand.
Is their anyone out there who has overcome and incredible weight loss? In a similar situation to myself? knows what to recommend?
I need suggestions on food, exercise, just someone to point in the right direction.
I've set out to compete in "Tough Mudder" if anyone in the UK has heard of it, it'll be my milestone for 2016. Please get in touch. Thankyou.
Welcome to the forum Nathan,

your off to a good start, there are several members here who have lost a lot of weight, I think you could relate well to Quercus as he has lost a lot of weight and is very active. There is also members here that compete in obstacle races like Tough Mudder.

the majority of members are active in the diary section, and you would get a lot of support if you start a thread there.
I'm one of those people who say constantly that I'll do it tomorrow but that day never comes.
that day never came because you didn't want it bad enough.
i started when i was 20 years old, 1 year later i've lost MORE THEN 50 pounds.

here what you do:
1.get rid of all the stupid time consuming things and focus on putting the time to get motivated everyday and training.
2.give yourself a time limit, lt's say a week to get a diet plan from a dietitian and join a gym.
3.it's not going to be simple but be consistent, is one of the most important keys to success.

BUT FIRST build your initial inner desire by things that emotionally affect you (for me its was an anger from people who made laugh of me in the past and a breakup from my girlfriend at that time).

GOOD LUCK, and take your health seriously.
It's a matter of determination. I am having fasting days not eating anything at all for the whole day. I sometimes end up eating snacks around dinner time, but I successfully managed to not eat anything at all for the whole day yesterday. Just be determined & carry out what you want.
I would like to help you. I have lost around 40 pound myself, and over the last 3 years i have tried and tested all kinds of exercise and diet programs. I have also educated myself thought the shaw academy and reading tons of books. I would like to help you with your problem, just reply to this post if you are interested.