Sport A college kid's diet: HELP!

Sport Fitness
Hey guys Im new. For my entire life Ive eaten terribly and Ive been very picky about the terrible food I eat. Im 21, average in athelitics and 170lbs. I am just soft and have only a little muscle defination around my upper body. I recently cut out soda from my diet. I wont even drink the diet stuff. I dont eat alot of candy, but If im at the movies or something, I cant help it. So i decided I will only eat candy on weekends. Those things are not hard for me to do.

HOWEVER, Im a college kid, and I commute to school, so the only places to eat around me are fast food joints, pizza places, chinese food, etc etc. The healthy food is so expensive. They have a delicatessin with good food but its way more expensive that the good stuff :D I found a pasta place to eat at, and while its carbs, my schedule is class, eat, class, gym, go home.

So what should I do? I could pack my own lunch, but that would just mean a ham and cheese sandwich or a light snack, theres very little options at my house. Alot of the food I eat is fatty fried food. Should I get a fat burning supplement, or would that cause me to lose too much weight. I do try to do stuff in moderation. If I am forced to hit a burger king, I wont eat it for the rest of the week. If I get a sausage sandwich, Ill eat something healthy for dinner etc etc.

Any tips or suggestions would be useful. Thanks for your time.
what about doing ur own shopping nad pack urself ur own lunch. also is there no subways near u?... i found an easy way to avoid fast food is to bring a subway card withme and just enough cash to eat there so its my only option.

also if u go shopping or go with ur parents or have them buy food, etc. u get to pack healthy so u can eat well.

bring a water bottle and keep refilling at a bathroom sink, water fountain, etc.

ummm thats all i got right now. maybe find more later coming from a full time 20 year old college student as well, who commutes
Ha, you think its a hard life being 21 and in college. How about being 21, in full time work, saving for a house, looking after family, having a girlfriend, going to the gym 3times a week and going to karate 3time a week. Thats hard. And what about guys with familys and jobs, they can still do it, and so can you.

It may seem harsh but you gotta just pull your thumb out. If there was an easy and cheap way of looking great that didnt take up any time, then everyone would look fantastic.

Look at the ppl around you and ask yourself if you wanna b unhealthy like them. If you dont then put the effort in.

eat fruit, veg, salad, protein. less fat, less carbs and absolutely no refind fats i.e. candy, chips, take out, fast food.

eat fiber and brown bread/toast in the morning.
beef jerky is great for fill in snacks,
cold pasta in low fat cheese for lunch.
fruit or nuts (not peanuts) for afternoon snack.
potatoes and tuna/chicken with veg for dinner.
drink 5pints of water a day and 1-2pints of milk.

do that or some thing like it every day and you'll be health and look great. if you wanna add some muscle just add a protien shake before and after school.

Its hard work. but ive given you a guide line. now its up to you.

1 last thing. Everytime you say to your self "well Ive worked so hard this week im gonna treat my self to a KFC" just think how much of a waste of time that was, all the effort you put in over the last few days has all gone to waste.


"The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step"
you got it manofkent there are ppl out there that have less time money energy etc taht still do it. so just do it. okay i sound like a commerical but it s true. 2 kids, single , on osap not much, going to college, and sick relatives to take care of , plus rideouts and hospital rotations and studying and fitness tests up the wazzo. so buck up don't cry about it just get out there and kick it you will feel better and you WILL be HEALTHIER. don't know about you but i want to be 90 and still out there doing the things i love. you live at home god i wish i had someone to help me out so i could work out before 9 or 10pm and then study for acouple hours, then get a couple hours sleep before i get up and get one child off to school and the other to my moms before i rush off to class for 8:15 am- oh and i have to walk the dog before i am out the door in the am too. if you don't like what your parents buy start putting in some bucks and give them a list of foods you want. that is better than wasting your money to get heart disease in the years to come.
LOL haha :p