A bit unusual question

If you walked with a weight around your chest or waist on a long term, wearing it even while sleeping, would that be good weight training?

It would be like carrying the weight of a fat person with your legs.
Lets say I put a chain around my neck/shoulders weighing 20pounds for 6months, and I ate, slept, trained, laughed and did all the things I normally do, just carrying 20pounds more all the time.

I got 2 questions.

1. Is there any name for this training method?

2. What do you think? Would it be a good permanent training program?

Lets discuss this.

Looking forward to replies. Thanks! ^_^
A properly designed weight vest would probably be less of a problem than a chain. I suppose this would increase your energy expenditure and produce some strength benefits, but if you were to do this with a chain I think it would be more trouble than it's worth. I don't know of any name for this training method.
Yes it would be some form of calorie burning- its well known that overweight/obese people need more calories in comparison to their normal weight counterparts. But I'd not advise this. Posture would be the main reason. Its very easy to slouch without realising, holding yourself up by curving your spine, pocking your stomach out and bottom out to maintain the balance without feeling the weight in your core muscles. This would not be helpful to your weight loss as bad posture is a problem in iteself.
yeah ok

Yeah, ok I'm kind of fit. I'm not looking for any way to burn calories. I just wonder how it would be, I haven't heard of anyone using this "training" method, it just came to my mind.

And yeah, a vest would probably be better than a big chain around my neck, it would probably hurt my posture. Like a lead vest or something.

But I want to build my strength and endurance, it would be interesting to try.
And I wonder how it would be like to take off the 20 pound vest after 6months.

Got to feel like a feather or something ^_^

looking for more replies and theories about this!
I think people have tried this with ankle weights, weighted vests, weighted belts, backpacks, etc. It just in not practical for most people in the long term to wear this stuff, but for short periods it could be useful. Ankle weights can have ill effects on knees and hips if you are not very careful with them. Some shoe company is advertising shoes that make it harder to walk and achieve something similar. Military types routinely carry 70 pounds of gear on long hikes and get a similar conditioning effect.

Why not just wear a weighted vest while you run or perform some other activity for a short time a day? Maybe if you were a soccer, football or basketball player wearing a weighted vest during practice would be good for conditioning as you would feel so much lighter and faster during a match when you weren't wearing it.
"Why not just wear a weighted vest while you run or perform some other activity for a short time a day? Maybe if you were a soccer, football or basketball player wearing a weighted vest during practice would be good for conditioning as you would feel so much lighter and faster during a match when you weren't wearing it."

Right. People don't do it because most people aren't in a position to wear a chain or a vest or whatever for 6 months. If you can do that, you probably have time to weight train a few times a week which would probably give you better results, without requiring you to drag a 40lb chain to Olive Garden.
If you wore it all day I think it would be bad for your joints. The body isn't really made for suddenly adding several kilos of weight and it won't have time to adapt. You would probably get a bit stronger, though.. but I'd rather spend an hour at a gym 3 times a week.
what if

What if I went to wear a weightned vest, increasing weight over time?