Weight-Loss 900 packets of splenda in one week, anyone else use this much?



New member
This week I have gone through 900 packets of splenda in smoothies, on cereal, and the worst offender, ice cream cups dipped in a mix of splenda and vanilla flavored soy milk (a combo that produces a really good icing if you let it sit a bit). Anyway I did have a slight headache and was feeling kind of tired a bit but all in all I'm feeling great. I don't doubt that this was probably not the best thing to do, but I haven't experienced any of the crazy symptoms I have read about after people have tried artificial sweeteners. Anyway, just wondering if there are any other people who consume that much as well.
This week I have gone through 900 packets of splenda in smoothies, on cereal, and the worst offender, ice cream cups dipped in a mix of splenda and vanilla flavored soy milk (a combo that produces a really good icing if you let it sit a bit).

I don't care what the studies say about Splenda's safety, I would never use that much of any artificial sweetener. I use 3 packets a day for my coffee and that's it. Over 100 packets a day is almost unbelievable to me.
900?? Sure you didn't mean 90?.....which still would be a lot to me. In fact 9 would be a lot to me. I can't remember when I last used any sweetener, artificial or natural. Seriously, 900 does seem a bit excessive. :eek:
No, it was 900, but yesterday i had 200 more. Anyway, that combo with those ice cream cups (which are 15 cals each) are whats causing this overuse. Although I usually add like 15 in smoothies, I could easily go through 200 with those cups. So, I guess its safe to say no one else has used this much. Alright, thanks anyway.
15 packets of splenda in one smoothie would make something incredibly sweet - how big is the smoothie and have you tried experimenting with a lot less?

Is this a new occurance for you? I wonder if there's some underlying medical condition that's not letting you taste sweet things....
Either you're pulling our legs or you've got a serious problem.

900 is a ridiculous number and you should really stop to think about the actual reason why you're abusing your body with Splenda.
I really feel like we need to call in Dr House and get a differential diagnosis.. the patient likes things super duper sweet... :)
eating 900 of ANYTHING a week cant be good......

900 glasses of water.....
900 carrots.....
900 tic-tacs.....
900 ??????

Anything you are needing to consume over 100 of per day is a problem, bottome line. I think it is time to get to the root of the problem and see what can be done about it. Splenda may be perfectly safe when used in moderation, but it is a processed product and the accumulation that may well be occuring as we speak in your body cannot be even slightly healthy. How many icecream cups could you possibly be eating a day that you need to use 100 packs of splenda to make a sweet tasting icing for? Unless the icercream is also made of splenda you are looking at enormous amounts of calories just from that... Might as well just coat it in chocolate.....

One thing that would be worrying me if I were in your situation is what happens if you run out of splenda? Do you turn to sugar or some other type of sweetener? I would seriously consider seeing a doctor or psycologist ASAP as that manner of excessive consumption is either a medical problem or an addiction problem at very least.

There are many studies online on the negative and possibly harmfull effects of splenda specifically on the human body and splenda is not "calorie free" by any means. In small doses it is "considered" calorie free, but in fact a cup of splenda contains almost 100 calories. Not many compared to sugar, but still not calorie free in large amounts. Many research studies show Splenda is not completely absorbed into the body and 15%+ remain undigested in the small intenstine. In your case that would be 20+ packs A DAY sitting undigested in your bowels..... frightening. Do a little googling and you might well be suprised if not shocked!

Seriously, unless you are pulling our legs and making some kind of sad joke, you are really putting yourself at risk. If you honestly use 900+ packages of Splenda per week to satisfy your sweet tooth, you need to see a doctor, and soon. Is your craving for sweets worth losing your health and/or life over?

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I admit I'm having a hard time not laughing at this post. But if you are serious... oh man... that is TOO TOO much. Somewhere there is a site that has the government limits for artificial sweeteners, and I'm pretty sure their limit for Splenda is 25 packets. But take it with a grain of salt... do you trust the government? Anyway. All the other sweetners have much higher limits. But I use a lot of Splenda and Aspartame too. I don't think it's 900 packets worth, though.
and the cheapskate in me asks where you're stealig the splenda packets from?

splenda in the grocery store is expensive amazon has a 700 count box on sale for 15.38 plus shipping - that adds up - do are you raiding your loca starbucks and dunkin donuts? so the cost of my coffee is gong to go up to feed your habit?
doesnt sweetner give you cancer or somthing
or was that just some crap i read!
i use LOADS
i used to have so much sugar in my tea
but now i use the sweetner
and lots of it
900 is alot
Yikes! That is far too much...

A while ago I looked into Splenda to see if it was safe, although I was only thinking about using it in my coffee every once in a while, not in quantities as large as you're using...

Anyway, I had come across this site which you might want to check out--

Here's a little quote from the site:

"New chemical sweeteners (like Splenda) and the sweetener blends (aspartame, sucralose and acesulfame K blended together in one product) may be causing users to show signs of weight gain, disruption of sleep patterns, sexual dysfunction, increases in cancer, MS, Lupus, diabetes, and a list of epidemic degenerative diseases."

That much Splenda is likely damaging to your body... and I don't know how you could lose weight consuming that much of it... ?
What I am curious about is why you are even dipping ice cream cups into anything...regular or artifical sweeteners? Even things like low fat frozen yogurt or even regular ice cream are sweet enough to not need the excess sweetener.

I myself LOVE sweets. In fact tonight my husband wanted to go to Baskin Robins. Usually I try to eat the low fat yougurt there but they dont have a good selection so I get a kids cup size of the regular.

My point being if you are eating someother type of ice cream or sweet that is just not good enough to curb that craving, have the real thing only a small portion. It will be much better for you than any amount of artifical sweetener.
Heres the thing, besides the possible toxicity of consuming that much alone, you have to understand how sugar and artificial sweeteners affect your body.

Your tongue is the first trigger in insulin production, if you taste something sweet your body says "here comes sugar, lets make some insulin." This increase in insulin will cause a drop in blood sugar. Because you're not eating actual sugar this creates a very low blood sugar level. This isn't good for your metabolism and it's also the most likely cause for the headache and tiredness, besides an increase in appetite.
I think you are addicted to splenda more than the ice cream .Unless you cut down the splenda intake ,it is going to cause you something that is really slow but really deadly