9 year old doing a clean and jerk

Holy crap. This little girl can do a clean and jerk more than most people, and she has great form, better than me anyways!

awesome parenting right there.

15kg on each side + bar..what is that like a lil over 110 lbs?
Thats awesome.
hahahah that is sooo cool! i can do stuff!

that clean and jerk is unbelievable.

ok, bed time.

jumpin tomorrow.

just one more!


ok, one more

dang man!

it's probably 15kg all together, not each side of the bar, the plates are probably light "practice" plates. It's really awsome though, but no way she would be able to handle 50kgs the way she does (which is 2 15 kg plates +20kg bar)
FTW: the common translation I believe is "for the win/winers"
however, it you're cool, it means "f*ck the what"
actually, a lot of the azns i know are just skinny and weak, but the azn girls never cease to amaze me