
I happen to love this great country, and as 9/11 has come again, I find myself reflecting on the events that took place 9/11/2001.

Part of me feels deep anger for people sick enough to take lives carelessly, but the anger subsides when you think about the thousands of innocent people who died.

Take some time to remember 9/11/2001.
for sure. I was ready to enlist that day. I worked for the company that designed the WTC and it was a media frenzy over there.

My wife was scared they were going to crash a plane into the architects office. LOL
When it went down, I was in a computer science class, and at the time, everybody thought it was a prank. And of course they blamed me. My instructor at the time says, 'Dude, I can see you rigging the network - ****, now I gotta reset all the passwords :bncry: - but, where did you get the equipment to do the radio?'

I was like, "Um, guys. Somebody just blew up the ****ing WTC! It wasn't me this time. I was busy pk'ing this noob sorc, I swear." Nobody but me believed it had actually happened out we got out into the hall and saw it all over the news. I felt pretty smug about having been vindicated until it occurred to me that a) lots of relatively harmless folk had been killed out of hand, and b) there would be certain undesirable ramifications.
I remember that day very well. I heard it on an internet forum, went up stairs and told my parents, they didn't believe me because internet forums say a lot of weird stuff. Then I turn on the TV and theres this extra news thingy (where they interrupt the normal schedule with important news) and it said a plane had flown into the WTC and they were thinking it was a horrible accident, then the second plane hit and people understood it was no accident. Horrible stuff.

Pking a noob sorc? you were playing D2? :p
I was working for the water department. I got back in my truck from flushing out a water main and started listening to the radio like WTF?

The next day I had to test the water at the national guard armory. Needless to say they kept a close eye on me. I was carrying a case of chemicals to do my tests...at least I thought to leave my pocket knife in the truck
That is one day that NOBODY will forget exactly what they were doing at the time the WTC were hit. I had to fly out the next day to wyoming on a business trip, needless to say nobody went anywhere.
I was sleeping in my dorm. A friend called and told me the news.

It's a sad day, but lesson learned, just need to get stronger from it, it is new to our country, but other places around the globe are subjected to this daily.
We were still in the military at the time and I watched it happen on TV. The base went into high alert, the place was locked down and all hell broke out.

The odd thing was we had been worried something was going to happen because the bases across the nation were being secured months before (does anyone remember that?) Of course, we had no idea it was going to be that horrific an event, we were expecting a base attack.....
I wonder how it feels for people to celebrate a birthday on september 11. Imagine people mourning in a public place while others near by are celebrating and the birthday boy/girl shouts "the best day of the year!" :party:. I have actually heard of people that say the best day of the year is their birthday, so I think this is probably possible. :yelrotflmao:

I have no idea what I was doing when the plane crash happened. So I guess I'm that NOBODY tracyclang. :rofl:
by the way, didn't somebody already do this last year?
Yeah, I was 15 at the time and in high school when my teacher turned the tv on. I remember all the confusion on what the hell was going on and why.

I also remember a few days later my boyfriend and I were fooling around in his bedroom (I lived with him at the time) when this huge !BOOM! happened. It was so loud it shook the walls. I looked outside and saw a young boy drop whatever toy he was playing with in the road in the cal de sac and run the hell home. We thought we were being attacked but nothing else happened. I think we found out later it was a sonic boom?
We also should take the time to thank our soldiers who are putting their lives on the line to try and ensure this doesn't happen again.

Go shake their hand and thank them next time you see someone in a military uniform.
I was at work. Initially, I thought it was a prank. But I will say I was one of the few people who wasn't the least bit surprised that it happened.

Man's inhumanity to man. We're a very odd species.

'Many and sharp the num'rous ills
Inwoven with our frame!
More pointed still we make ourselves
Regret, remorse, and shame!
And Man, whose heav'n-erected face
The smiles of love adorn, -
Man's inhumanity to man
Makes countless thousands mourn!"
Robert Burns
I was in 6th grade at the time. Was listening to the radio in the morning when someone said that a plane flew into the pentagon.
I was in the armed forces (royal air force) at the time.

I remember watching it on CNN a truly terrible day and very frightening.

But please everybody also spare a thought for Madrid, London, Warrington, Mancherster, Preston,Eniskillin ,Bali and for the last 90 years of bombs dropped on britain
I remember 9/11 pretty well. I was in 12th grade that time and the principle came on the loudspeaker and said a terrorist attacked the Pentagon and the World Trader Center. Everyone was in pretty much shock, but thne the principle said we could all go home for the day. Everyone was pretty happy about that since I suppose no one really knew how deeply it would impact the future.

The odd thing was we had been worried something was going to happen because the bases across the nation were being secured months before (does anyone remember that?) Of course, we had no idea it was going to be that horrific an event, we were expecting a base attack.....

Funny you should mention that because the first thing I did was try to get into Little Creek Naval Base to visit my mom. The line was backed up on Gate 5 all the way to North Hampton Blvd and there were armed guards. I remember reports that across the nation car bombs were going off and I told my mom to becareful with that.
Plus may i add that it took somthing to happen in America for everybody to turn round and think WTF ....now lets start a war
Funny you should mention that because the first thing I did was try to get into Little Creek Naval Base to visit my mom. The line was backed up on Gate 5 all the way to North Hampton Blvd and there were armed guards. I remember reports that across the nation car bombs were going off and I told my mom to becareful with that.

The bases were all closed as soon as it happened. Bases are self contained and can sustain the military and it's families without reliance on anyone else. Probably why you couldn't get in.
I was working at a media monitoring company at the time it happened so I saw it seconds after the first plane hit. I thought then that it must have been a terrible accident but then I watched the second plane approaching and it was frightening.

For those in the UK, ITV didn't start covering it until the ad break in Crossroads; how ****ed up is that?