Sport 8 Glasses of water?

Sport Fitness
Is it really necessary to drink 8 glasses of water?

I've made it a point to do so for the last month or so and I'm left wondering what exactly the point is.

If someone could explain if it is or isn't necessary and what the purpose/benefits of doing so is, It'd be appreciated.
Personally speaking, I know that if I DONT drink plenty of water I get headaches, become irritable, feel sluggishly tired and my body doesn't flush out(gross I know)...I think of my body as a beautiful plant, I want to be perky and green not brown and droppy LOL :D

So I'd say, yes, it's necessary
Moonbeam3 said:
Personally speaking, I know that if I DONT drink plenty of water I get headaches, become irritable, feel sluggishly tired and my body doesn't flush out(gross I know)...I think of my body as a beautiful plant, I want to be perky and green not brown and droppy LOL :D

So I'd say, yes, it's necessary

HAHA!! He read the brown and droopy part and was like oh wtf!! hahahaa!!
Water is vital for muscle growth, cellular repair, immune and digestive functions, etc. We are 70% water. I'm sure there are some great articles written about this topic. Do a Google search :)
actually, make your goal an entire gallon of water per day, which is sixteen 8oz glasses of water day.
During your workout you should be downing close to 16 oz alone.
JordanSC said:
That was my exact reaction, along with a facial expression that looked something like this:


LOL, I guess no guy ever wants to hear the words brown and droopy in the same sentense as themselves! :D