71yrs old and having a hard time with wt loss


New member
I'm having a hard time with wt loss.

I have had a stroke, about 4yrs back. Fully recovered. The cardio put a St Jude ICD in me, for runaway A-Fib. My blood pressure now is 120/65.

I'm trying to loose wt.

One thing I've decided is, with decreased metabolism, you pretty much have to starve.

One thing I'd like to know: do you eat anything three times per day? Right now, I have one regular meal (lunch), and no others. Problem is, I'm still not loosing.

I thought about taking Slender for breakfast and dinner, and still eating lunch. Will that be any kind of gain?

And yes, I'm getting exercise through walking and gym at the wellness center.

All thoughts will be appreciated.

Whatever it is I'm doing, it's not enough.

I've thought about having geriatric surgery, but an not in favor, as it doesn't decrease your appeitite
Not entirely sure why you think you have a decreased metabolism beyond natural aging. if that's what you're thinking, staving yourself will only serve to lower it further.

Count up your daily calorie intake and make sure you're getting at least 1000 calories a day.

Exercise is a tough one as your ICD prevents many good upper body exercises, with that in mind focus on leg exercises as you already are but see how you feel about working some bursts of speed into your walking (doesn't have to be an all out sprint, just a faster pace than you usually maintain for 10-20 seconds at a time with rest between bursts).

It will help to raise your heart rate (assuming that's ok with your implant), improve conditioning and increase calories burned

I'd also suggest leg strength exercises like squats and lunges.

Never heard of slender, if it's a weight loss supplement I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

Think you mean bariatric surgery. Some can decrease appetite as they effect stomach size.

Some are less invasive than others (balloon for example) but i'd suggest exhausting regular avenues before even considering it.

I'm a newbie here; but I've been trying to lose weight, with wildly variable sucess, for years.

One thing that has worked for me in the past is to "eat like a bird." Birds eat only a little bit at a time - but they eat lots of times per day. I've found that distrbuting my day's worth of food over three small (well-balanced) meals and 2-3 small (healthy) snacks was the best way for me to eat and lose weight.

That really kept me from feeling too hungry at any given time. I think it also kept my body from doing the thing where it interprets the lack of food as "OMG! Famine Conditions!" and slows its metabolism down so as not to burm so many calories. Which is a very good thing if you ever are stuck in an actual famine, but counter-productive when you're trying to diet & lose weight.

Would you be able to break up your one meal a day into three meals and maybe some snacks?

Some of the snacks that worked for me were peeled baby carrots, an ounce or two of skim milk mozzerella cheese, some apple slices, blanched broccolli crowns with a tough of seased rice vinegar, half a banana, or a handful of raisins.

Hope some of this helps.
Hi rbig - sorry to hear you're struggling to lose weight. I don't think it's your age. If you're only eating lunch, I think you're not eating enough times throughout the day. Maybe you could try eating small amounts at 3-4 hr intervals? Certain foods like nuts and chicken I've heard are good at stimulating the metabolism. Also, I've heard that weight training can increase the metabolism. You could try that and see if it helps. I'm sure you'll start losing again soon. Don't give up! =)
BTW: my mom is 82, and has struggled with her weight all her life.

She's lost 20-25 lbs over the last couple of years, through gentle moderated exercise and eating 4-6 small, nutritious, low-fat/low-carb meals per day; and now weighs about what she did when she graduated from the eighth grade, for the first time since then.

So age doesn't have to be an impossible barrier to losing weight. :)