61 Steps To Reduce Tension

Hi everyone,

Here are 61 steps to reduce tension....... It will take huge space if I post entire info..... That's why I am leaving a url for complete 61 steps

Identify the real cause of stress.

Events causing stress should be noted down and analyse it once in a month.
Your reactions to each stressful events should be recollected and compared with one another.

Should not give immediate responce to stressful event ,always take little time to think.

If any tension comes ask your inner man(Mind)for a solution,he is more intelligent than you.

Past is past always concentrate on future events and gather courage and willpower.

Neednot bother about your loss,but findout the reason for it and try to solve it.

Face all situations with confidence.

Keep faith in god and worship him.

Always hope for the best.

Always keep a positive approach.

Before doing any thing plan a solution to face a negative situation.

Wow just hearing that there are 61 steps is stressing me out. Can't there just be like 2 or 3?

j/k...those are some good tips :)
Hi mrhappy,

For a minute I thought I posted something wrong........:D .....thank you for the reply...


P.S. Sorry for the too late reply.......
What if you don't have any imaginary friends?

Lol well said.