Weight-Loss 6 Week Goal Challenge Biggest Transformation Contest



New member
For those of you who are participants in the 6 Week Goal Challenge, you have the option of joining the Biggest Transformation sub-challenge. Participation is not mandatory.

Here's how it works:

1. You post a before pic in this thread and at the end of the 6 week challenge you post an after pic in this thread; OR you can post your before and after pic together at the end if you want.

2. Everyone votes anonymously via my PM for the participant who has made the biggest physical transformation.

3. I announce the winner of the Biggest Transformation Contest.

Good luck!
Awesome challenge. I added this to the "Bonus Challenges" tab in our spreadsheet also for quick reference. Hum...I should take a pic soon.
I took the before picture on Tuesday, but it looks like crap. I'm reserving it for when the after comes out looking great. That will up my odds on winning that contest. :biggrinjester:
I've taken my pics, but I doubt I'll make enough of a difference to win this challenge. still, it's a great motivator to at least make SOME kind of visible change.
If I see one more @ss shot on someones member picture I'm going to die laughing :smilielol5::smilielol5:

Anyway, I'm in...I'm gonna take some new shots today! I'll consider myself a winner if I just make it 6wks!

Good luck everyone!
Hi! :waving:

I'm going to get my buddy Chris to get a picture of me in my Yoga clothes this evening, and then in 6 weeks (well, more like 5 and a half, now) I'll get the same shot in the same clothes, how's that? :D I'll post ASAP. I'm not expecting to win this because I'm "down to the last 5-10 lbs" and as some of you know, it's a BITCH at this point to lose weight, especially for women, but of course, it's a matter of stringent nutritional diligence overall. Wish me luck!
My before pictures

Hmmm, I look at these pictures and I think maybe I should have worn something skimpier, but whatever! Also, I guess looking at them objectively I suppose I'm rather lean. Eh! I DO still want to drop 5-10 lbs, let's see if I can manage that! The first two are just standard, but the last few are me showing off ;) Actually, my arms should have been way scooted in for Urdhva Danurasana (upward facing bow pose), and I still can't seem to grasp my foot in Natrajasana (dancing Shiva pose). But hell, Pincha Mayurasana (feathered peacock pose) is almost perfect! :D





Hi Shandy! :waving: I thought it would be cooler to have some dynamic shots rather than just front/back--actually I wish everyone would do their "action shot", LOL--I like the one where you're doing floor work :)
I love that shot of me too, of course it was also taken about 6 years ago.... I'll see if I can try and get some pics of me doing something other than just standing there....
so, here's my front and back shots.


and then showin' off my guns. think I stand a chance against Matt? :D

and last but not least, showing how UNflexible I am nowadays. I used to be able to pull my leg like Val's doing. so this shot is actually the one that I'm hoping to see the biggest change. I want my bendy-ness back!!!!
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wow, you guys look amazing already!! I can't wait for the after pics, they'll look so good. Amazing poses girlie!