6 Week Body Makeover?


New member
I been seeing this infomercial for awhile and I am really thinking about investing some money in it...has ANYONE tried it up here? Is it worth it?:confused:
I might be mistaken, but did you not start a thread on eating healthy for being poor or something like that? Don't buy some program, eat lower calorie foods.
That link has some reviews on the product and they're kind of all over the place... the proverbial grain of salt is needed... but....

The support package includes:
Real Help From Real People - on the phone or on-line, specially trained body makeover specialists are ready to help you with expert advice, answers to all of your questions and the motivation you need to succeed
On-Line Resource Library - with answers to most frequently asked questions, recipes, success secrets and live chats
24-Hour Motivation and Support Community - log on and get help from the registered members just like you who want you to succeed
you get that here: I think we're pretty nice... :)

There are several components to the Six Week Body Makeover, but you'll find this is a simple step-by-step program. You receive:
The Quick Start Video
Blueprinting Your Body Step-by-Step booklet
Body Blueprint Cards
Body Makeover Book Binder - a dark blue 3-ring faux leather album into which you put your customized 6 Week Body Makeover program
Dining Out Guide - gives tips on how to order at your favorite restaurant
Tabbed divider cards - 11 with tabs, one without
Body Makeover book contents
Fast Track menu cards - your eating plan at a glance
Infinite Menu Planner - innovative eating guide
Makeover Meals recipe cards - recipes for dozens of meals
Precision Body Sculpting video
Body Sculpting Band - medium-weight, purple resistance device
Michael Thurmond's Personal Audio Program - 3 audio cassettes
24 Hour, Help When You Need It assistance program - a great way of finding that extra motivation, support and encouragement that we all need when implementing a new diet program

Seems like a lot of money to pay for a fancy binder... :D

I'd be interested to see the body blue printing but - honestly - i think if you took half the money you would have spent on it -and go to a gym and get a session or two with a personal trainer- you might be in better shape... (but then again, I'ma cheapskate and have spent 100's of dollars on weight loss stuff - none of which really works unless it's coming from within you - and if it's coming from within you - you don't see the other program)
I have been on this program and believe me it works like magic; but it is a little hardwork as you need to cook your own foods and you really need to be committed to do it. I was in it for 6 weeks and lost 24 pounds. It is amazingl especially if you are a person like me who needs to see results fast.
Tried it

Xhybrid_girlX said:
I been seeing this infomercial for awhile and I am really thinking about investing some money in it...has ANYONE tried it up here? Is it worth it?:confused:

I'd tried this program. There are good things and not-so-good things about it. First, it does work. But you have to stick to it. Of course, if you stick with ANY diet and exercise program, it should work.

The not-so-good part is that I found it hard to stick to. In fact, I couldn't. You have to eat every three hours (good) but you can only eat a few ounces of lean protein (bad) supplemented with a few veggies here and there. When your body weans itself off the carb cravings, you'll be surprised to find that you do lose your appetite. I would forget to eat, but then by the time I remembered to eat, I was starving and couldn't be satisfied with only the designated portion.

The plan works. But it is restrictive. I am too food-oriented to limit myself like that. I enjoy food too much. I need to learn to be satisfied with smaller portions, but I do not want to give up variety.