Sport 6 meals per day

Sport Fitness
My gym suggested I start eating 6 meals per day with a break down in the ballpark of 60% protein, 30% carbs, 10 % healthy fats. This is supposed to fire up my matabolisim.
Is anybody doing this type of diet? If so can you give me a break down of a days meals for yourself? I would really appreciate.
Im not claiming this is great but this is what I ate today:

9 am
1st meal - egg whites, 1 slice whole wheat toasted dry, banana, steamed carrots

11:30 am
2nd meal - chicken breast, brown rice, apple, soy milk

2:00 pm
3rd meal - protein shake, grilled asparagus, raisons

4:30 pm
4th meal - sliced turkey on toased whole grain( 1 slice), celery w/ natural pb, apple

7 pm
5th meal - grilled salmon, spinach + salad, low fat dressing and shelled sunflower seeds

6th meal - veggie plate, green tea
Thanks metal gear. How many of those meals do you think you can replace with protein shakes? I hate to cook:eek:
My meals today went like this

1900 - Jerk chicken 6-7 oz + protein shake + daily vitamins

2200 - Protein shake + 1/2 "oh yeah" meal replacement bar

0200 - Jerk Chicken 6-7 oz + lima beans + peanut butter 1/2 sandwhich on wheat

0600 - you guessed it Jerk chicken and lima beans + protein shake

0800- off work for the night and going to the gym

post work out shake

1000- bed

I made a couple days worth of chicken So thats why it shows up so much. I just started this diet and can definitely feel the effects of my matabolisim waking up but I am horrible at keeping up with it. If it wasnt for shakes, I would be lost.
Thanks. I'll check it out.

As far as happiness.. strangely enough this 6 meal a day thing has me almost never craving food of any type. I hardly even think about it anymore. I eat because the clock says so. I just keep adding a coal to the fire every 3-4 hours whether Im hungry or not. I'm so focused on getting this weight off and collecting my 500 bucks for the biggest loser contest! If I didnt think I would hurt my kidneys, liver, or brain, I would cut carbs dramatically. I hate that diet with a passion but thats how focused I am.
Excessively low ratio of Carbs to protein shifts our bodys metabolism into a ketogenic state - and a Excessively high ratio of Carbs to Protein has been shown to destabilize blood suger and to raise certain fat levels (Especially Triglycerides)