Sport 5

Sport Fitness
Hey everyone, i'm new here, i just have a problem.
lets go back a few days.
i joined gym about 4 days ago and for the last 3 days i have been working out. my trainer has told me that i should eat 5 small meals a day, and she's put me on a arms/back/shoulders workout that i should be doing 30-40 minutes before my cardio, it takes me about an hour to do all my muscle workout and then i got told to do 10 minutes on the stepmill and 20 minutes on the treadmill, now i can do all of it perfectly fine, although i can go 30 minutes on the treadmill, stop for a quick drink of water and continue for another 30 minutes.
now i'm 5'10, 95 kilos(209 pounds) and i'm not sure on body fat percentage. my goal is to have low body fat and have a very defined body with a 6 pac ( as every guy wants :p ) with nice sized biceps. basically i want a bodybuilders body but not huge and freaky. i have broad shoulders and i'm a stocky guy so i probably could look alright as a bodybuilder but what i want to know is, is my workout ok, and my dieting. my workout is 3 sets of 8-12 reps on 7 arm/back/shoulders/chest equipment and 2 leg workout equipment, and i got told that if i struggle on my 10th rep, that's the perfect weight, should i be doing that or maybe change? i know my trainer knows whats best for me but she's a young girl (maybe mid to late 20's) and i'm sure she has a lot more learning to do. my diet is very unbalanced, the problem is i don't eat a single vege, not one. i have tried many veges and the only ones i like are the unhealthy ones, potato, and sweet potato. now my diet is this so far. (i get up around 10:00-10:30 AM, i sleep late)
10:30AM: 2 pieces of soy and linseed bread with vegemite
next meal: home made fried rice with one cup of cooked basmati rice, 100 grams of chicken breast, and 2 egg whites with one yolk (my trainer said one yolk to every 2 whites)
next meal: a wrap with nothing but chicken, i tried lettuce and tomato this afternoon in it and i almost dry-reached, i might add a little bit of whole egg mayonnaise and lite cheese if thats ok. then a peeled apple
next meal is either a 2 egg white and one yolk fried up in a dry pan, with a peeled apple (terrible meal)
last meal is 4 cruskits with tinned tuna in spring water.

what i want to know is, what should i be adding or taking out of my diet? i know apples have sugar but i saw a 3 apple a day diet? surely that cant be healthy. i can work out longer at the gym to burn off excess calories if needed but this is such a change to my normal diet, which is eat when i want, which is normally 4 bits of white bread with a **** ton of vegemite or peanut butter, chocolate, or crumbed chicken, completely unhealthy. i know everything works differently for everyone so i cant just go off what my trainer said. i can afford a personal trainer every week no problem but i've just started saving at the moment and i dont want to have to dip in the savings to pay for things.
thanks in advance
i absolutely hate oats unless its got about 5 tablespoons of sugar and 500+mils of milk, which i cant have so oats are not an option
You really don't like vegetables?

Get two carrots, two sticks of celery and a medium onion. Dice them small and sweat them for five mins in a couple of spoons of olive oil. Mix a pint or so of good quality organic chicken or veg stock cube and pour it in along with a tin or two of chopped tomatoes. If you're not scared of carbs take a pinch of spagettie and break it in, about one-inch segments. Add a LOT of ground white pepper and a little more salt. (Salt is FINE, especially if you get a good cardio sweat going most days). Simmer for just under an hour (until the carrot is falling to bits).

If you don't scrum that down you ain't hungry enough bro!!
You really don't like vegetables?

Get two carrots, two sticks of celery and a medium onion. Dice them small and sweat them for five mins in a couple of spoons of olive oil. Mix a pint or so of good quality organic chicken or veg stock cube and pour it in along with a tin or two of chopped tomatoes. If you're not scared of carbs take a pinch of spagettie and break it in, about one-inch segments. Add a LOT of ground white pepper and a little more salt. (Salt is FINE, especially if you get a good cardio sweat going most days). Simmer for just under an hour (until the carrot is falling to bits).

If you don't scrum that down you ain't hungry enough bro!!

sorry mate, theirs abolutely NO way i would eat that. onion makes me dry reach and the taste of carrots are disgusting. i dont like the texture of vegetables. i would put them in a juicer and drink it, i just wont eat them
What texture? What taste? By making that kind of soup you remove the vegetable's texture and taste. Oh, if you're able to juice them, juice them then. You can even heat the juice up and call it soup. :D
what about fruit?
what about no carbs after a certain time?

juicing veges/fruit takes the skin off and that's what most the goodness comes from right?
i just don't know much about nutrition
Fruit's great but no substitute for vegetables and greens. You need both. If you juice the item whole (e.g. don't shave/scrub skin off) it should be fine. In fact juicing can be good as it's easier to digest and absorb. You want veggies in there including greens. Don't overdo carrots, beets, and other sugar-rich tubers.

That actor who was in Blade 3 and is the new Highlander got mad abs and one of his tips was no carbs after 8pm. He swore by it.
First off, why 5 meals? If you say because trainer said it increases metabolism, that is a very common myth and doesn't matter how much meals you have as long as you meet your macros for the day.

Why must you do weights before cardio? It is completely personal preference.

There is nothing wrong with potato or sweet potato, again, as long as it fits your macros.

2 egg whites to 1 egg yolk? If you are limiting your fat intake then yes. But this is not a general rule. As long as it fits within your macro, then why not 2?

There is nothing wrong with 3 apples a day, again, as long as it fits within your macro limit for the day.

With the struggling a little towards the 10th rep, i like that :) And it is what i am for with my clients. Personal training is good, but it is also what you do OUTSIDE those sessions that count too.

Diet wise, sounds like too many carbs. If you are finding it hard to get in your veges, take a vege supplement.

I am 24, just because we are young doesn't mean we don't know nothing :p
sorry guys but im not going to touch vegetables unless they're juiced and the cost of vegetables is astronomic. my trainer said the gym sells a green thing, a powder that has all the vegetable nutriants in a drink but im not sure.

macros? i dont follow
Where are you shopping that vegetables cost that much?

And that powder, just like a multivitamin, while having all the vitamins and minerals you need, will only be partially utilized by the body. The body isn't meant to absorb all its nutrients from one small source all at once.

A macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and protein.
i've found that sugar can alter your tastebuds... so try cutting back on the sugar? whilst butter and salt arent the best things maybe you can try cooking with them so that you start eating vegetables. another idea: add cheese to broccoli/cauliflower then progressively limit the amount of cheese you put on until you eventually have none. the idea behind this is that your tastebuds may adjust over time. also, try celery sticks with peanut butter & carrots/celery sticks with a low sugar dip such as hommus! hrmm you might need to learn ways of hiding your vegetables into food.. like a homemade beef pie with veggies? You are not alone... a lot of mothers have the same difficulty as you when trying to feed their children.. talk to them & read their blogs for tips. You complain about the cost of vegetables- consider the cost to your health for choosing not to eat vegetables then consider the consequences to your health for that decision? Remember you'd be paying those medical bills too! Invest in your health - vote vegetables.. i mean, eat vegetables :)
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i live in australia, i dont have to pay for any medical bills.

i could try putting peanut butter on a celery stick and different things on different vegetables but i wont eat the vege on it owns, like boiled broccoli or boiled carrots, i just cant do it, i dry reach.

i shop at coles/woolworths/aldi/iga
I'm sorry if this sounds mean, but you just have to get over the dry-retching thing. That's what children do. I hated ALL vegetables when I was a kid, but when I became an adult I started eating them more and more and I started to like them. Like wine, they can be an acquired taste, but you do what is the responsible thing and you eat them.

On a nicer note, there are many ways to eat vegetables instead of eating them raw. For instance, I HATE carrots. Cannot eat them. So I dice them up into small cubes and cook them until their soft and chewy, and then I mix them up in to whatever I'm eating. I do something similar for olives. Onions taste much better if you sautee them and "sweat them out"; it makes them sweeter.

Experiment with different cooking techniques and different dishes until you find what is best for you. And if don't believe me about the acquired taste, think about this: if you were to hypothetically give a child a beer or a shot of vodka they would dislike it. Alcohol tastes nasty. But as you get older and drink it more and more, you develop a taste for it. You get past the burn because you like how it makes you feel afterwards. Vegetables are the same way. They may not be sweet like a honey bun, but they have their own complex flavors and make you feel energized, alert, and healthy.