5 miles

I'm really new at using forums so I'm not quite sure were to start. The reason I joined is because I trained really hard to get into better shape. But in the last couple of months I've really slacked off:sleeping:. Now I just feel like I let myself go after working so hard. The main reason I think this happened was because I don't really have anyone to support me or that really understands how hard it is. So I was hopeing that I could find my motivation in this forum.

One of the goals I set for myself this year was to be able to run 5 miles. I'm not really sure on how to approach this goal. What I've been doing is running as far as I can without stopping. And everyday I try to increase that distance. But I feel like there has to be a better way. So I was wondering if anyone had some ideas on a good way to reach this goal.

Also, anyone is welcome to join this goal with me. A support system would be appretiated:).
<looks left, looks right> Where's Chillen? Motivation in a bottle, he is.

Anyhow, you've come to the right place. Welcome! I'm not the biggest runner here, but I'm sure there are tons of folks that can help you get over that hurdle. Good luck!
Well I can run 3 miles on the treadmill non-stop... I don't know if that would be the same as running on the actual ground. lol. I think I can go for 5 miles if I really wanted to since I'm not all that tired.

For practicing running 5 miles non-stop, you need to run more than 5 miles every day. Granted you should run 3 miles, then walk half a mile, then run a mile, then walk half a mile, then run. This will build up your body to accept the requirements and demands of a 5 miles, non-stop run. You could also do jump ropes, as I heard if you do it hard and fast enough, you can get the same effects as running.

As for your motivation... there's only one person in this entire world who understands you, and that's you (granted even you don't fully understand you).

However, to add to it, I too lost quite a bit over the past 5 months. Everyone feels down at one point and time, however, look how far you gotten already? So what if no one acknowledges what you've done. Of course, we are creatures that require the comfort and approvals of others.... so good job! Pat yourself on the back! You gotten really far compared to a lot of people your age!

But seriously, don't feel down. You gotten this far, and you got your whole life in front of you. Don't let time be your enemy. Understand that as you grow old, so does your knowledge and ability. Be proud that you got yourself where you are. While other people sit down and watch TV, and eat tons of candy, you're out there actually doing something so that when you're 70-something, you don't have to have someone help you tie your shoes. Even look at today. You can probably run up the stairs, while everyone else is holding on for dear life and when they reach the top, you can see a little bit of sweat. So you really gotten far. Don't stree. Enjoy.
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Also, anyone is welcome to join this goal with me. A support system would be appretiated:).

know what? i might just have to take u up on that. i was just thinking that i should focus my training toward endourance a bit since i may be joining an adult league basketball team soon.
If you need motivation to run 5 miles non-stop find a 10k(6.2miles) race in the near future.(2-4 months maybe) That will probably help you stick to your training.
Thanks for the reply's everyone =].
I was really suprised to see how many people replied already.

Thanks Dallen, your reply made me realize I was going towards my goal in the wrong direction. I was focusing on the distance more than the endurance.

Nae82, it's nice to know someone else has the same goal in mind as I do. And how you said you're thinking of joining an adult league basketball team. Makes me realize that I want to grow up healthy so I can have the same opportunities.

Thanks everyone. I'll try and keep my progress posted on this.
i dont know if its practical for you but what helped push me further in high school was having a pack of runners to run with, i was much slower running alone
I agree on the race idea. If you have a future event to strive towards it makes all the hard work much more motivating knowing it all culminates somewhere. Plus think of how proud you will be accomplishing that. I also think if you just started back that you need to go easy on yourself. I think all of us at one time or another have gone "wow, I used to be 'this' way or 'that' way and now look where I let myself go to". We all have those kinds of stories about SOMEthing in life and the only way to get back to that spot is put one foot in front of the other (literally!) and increase to your goal slowly. Going out for a 5 mile run off the bat won't motivate you, it'll make you hecka sore and likely very unmotivated to do it again. Just start back at the basics, at the beginning. Irnoically its probable that you will get to your goal faster that way!. Find a realistic race or general time line you'd like to complete your goal in and then plan your course of action in a strategic way. Then you won't stress about not going farther (when you THINK you should) or about anything else. you'll know whats expected of you every step of the way and progressivly move forward until before you know it, you're there. Doing it this way will increase the likelihood that you'll keep going with it and find your own self-motivation based on your accomplishments. I myself cannot run well without music. Do you have an ipod or mp3 or something? Some people do better running with groups, some do better solo and some need outside support (like this board!) but do better alone with the dirty work. See whats best for you. Sounds like you already have a cheering squad here! Good luck!
thanks sparrow. signing up for a race is a good idea. but the only one i know of isn't til july. so i'll probably look around and see if i can find out information about any others.
well i don't have an ipod or mp3. i loveee turning my tv on full blast and turn it to my favorite music station when i'm on the treadmill.
Over the last couple of days i've been working out really hard and keeping a healthy diet. and today tennis started and i realized how sore my muscles were, and are right now. and i haven't even been doing half of what i used to. so it was really motivating to get on and read your reply =]
active.com has every race you can think of, just type in your area and sport.
I'd recommend looking into weight training, I know when I got started on deadlifts and squats, running became much, much easier just because of the amazing functionality of those lifts.

The more you perform the lifts, the more your body adapts to the motions and your CNS will be in tune. You don't have to be lifting for building muscle, just eat at a maintainence level, do some weights, do some running, I bet you improve dramatically.
thanks for the websites guys.
i started using the schools weight room wednesday. i've been going for an hour everyday. i start out with cardio but most of my time is spent with the weights because i have a treadmill at home for cardio. tennis started and i go monday through friday from 8-11.
w00t w00t for goals!

This forum is a really great place for motivation and supoprt.

You might think about making a workout diary/journal in the diary forum. I find that looking back on the diary really motivates me because I can see how much I improve by day to day. Also, alot of people offer their encouragement.
Good job on wanting to get fit! As Dallen said, work on endurance by running, then walking, and running again. Don't suddenly stop, try to "wind down" if you can.

Also, don't make the common mistake of going out and killing yourself on a run, because it discourages you quickly. Start slow, and work your way up, there's nothing wrong with that. Pushing it too far too far fast can hurt you, and mentally it will make you afraid to go out again. Start small and keep up the momentum. Don't give up on it!

I've been running a couple months, and I'm not up to 5 miles continuous. I do a couple miles running non-continuous almost every day. Several people I've talked to say I should be doing better by now, but I'm taking it easy, and I don't find it hard to get myself to throw on my tennis shoes and go out.
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