Sport 5 fays out 7 a week, it is very difficult for me to pull off a 5-6 meal diet.

Sport Fitness
I see many people saying that 5-6 meals throughout the day helps, but my job does not leave any room for a meal outside of the 30 minute lunch break.

Breakfast: 1 meal

Lunch: 1 meal

Dinner: 1 meal

My week consists of 1 hour to do what I gotta do in the morning, 30 minute lunch break, and about 2 hours from arriving home to going to bed.

Any tips?

P.S - Wow I kind of butchered the topic title with my hasteful posting.
Have drinks or bars or fruit or veges. at your desk or where ever. Mix drinks or buy them for convience. It won't stop your progress if you don't do 5-6, but it will slow your progress.
can you snack on the job? do you not get any 15 minute breaks?

i'm a desk jockey and I'm able to make protein shakes and have a quick bowl of oatmeal at work. it may not be the most ideal, but I make it work, and I make my breakfast, lunch, and after work meals count.
Is it possible to just make up for the 4th, 5th and 6th meal during my 3 eating times?

I am able to pull off 5-6 meals on Saturday and Sunday of course.
So you dont get any 15 min breaks? If you're in the U.S Im pretty sure its mandatory since your lunch is only 30 minutes. I used to eat chicken and veggies or turkey sandwiches on my 15's.
Iwillgetripped said:
Is it possible to just make up for the 4th, 5th and 6th meal during my 3 eating times?

I am able to pull off 5-6 meals on Saturday and Sunday of course.

This kinda defeats the purpose of the 5-6 meals. The reason you do 5-6 small meals is to keep your metabolism going more steadily than having to wind it up every 5 hours or so. If you eat 6 small meals (usually every 2 hours or so) your metabolism stays at a more constant rate.

If it is completely impossible, then its not the end of the world, but it will definately be more work for your body to digest the food which may slow your progress.