5 Days of Cardio too much?

I wan't to increase my cardio workouts to 5 days, maybe even 6, think this might me too much for my body? My goal is really just toning up and losing a tiny bit of weight, 5 or so pounds, and also increasing my endurance.
Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with 5 days of cardio if you enjoy it and if you are eating plenty of calories to fuel this. I love running and I run a lot, but I eat a lot to compensate. How long are your cardio sessions?

I do like 15-20 minutes of running 5 days a week...sometimes 6 days.

I dont feel tired from it but I cant say the same for my legs, they hurt and they hurt bad.
Everyday they range from 30-90 minutes. But since I haven't done much running through the winter time and have just started in spring again, I can't run as long as I used to, so I do some minor jogging / walking as well while I'm out.
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Everyday is fine, your legs will probably ache a bit in the beginning, but will strengthen and you'll become a stronger runner.
It's fine for your heart and it is fine for your blood but it might wreak havoc on your legs. I would look for some fun cardio for your arms to let your legs rest up a bit so you can still do cardio each day. If you are pushing your legs hard they will need to rest. Remember, you do not get stronger as you exercise. You get stronger when you recover. Allow that recovery and you will see amazing progress!
My doctor wouldn't help me out too much when I asked him; he said more like, try it and see.

If I stick to less time and resistence, my knees can handle cardio several days in a row. I think I'm better off doing every other day, and doing more time and resistence though.

Everyone is different!
I have am aware of some one who found out that the minimum when doing cardio should be 30 min not matter how much you do it.
Make sure that if you're JOGGING for five days a week that you do it with great shoes, and on a soft surface or you will get shin splints quickly. There's nothing like shin splints to ruin your workouts!
I have a bad RSI with my knees called Bursitis. I also used to run everyday but after developing the RSI it shocked me and I only run two-three times a week now. Mon, Wed and Fri.

Running initially helped me lose the weight so I'm addidicted to it but I realised that my tied legs were really not been given the time to recover and get stronger. So what I do now is cycling to work, about 6 minutes in the morning, six minutes to the gym and tem home! I also Swim on a Tues and do a heavy CV and strength session on my legs on Mon. So Tues swimming they have time to recover. I swim a mile and I tell you its really does feel good.

Don't run everyday otherwise you will eventually hurt yourself. I also do a spin class on Saturday mornign thats really good cv workout try it?

Someone said good shoes and they are right I buy new trainers every 3-4 months because of the high impact stuff I do.

Good luck
LikkleMissAlive said:
I have a bad RSI with my knees called Bursitis. I also used to run everyday but after developing the RSI it shocked me and I only run two-three times a week now. Mon, Wed and Fri.

Running initially helped me lose the weight so I'm addidicted to it but I realised that my tied legs were really not been given the time to recover and get stronger. So what I do now is cycling to work, about 6 minutes in the morning, six minutes to the gym and tem home! I also Swim on a Tues and do a heavy CV and strength session on my legs on Mon. So Tues swimming they have time to recover. I swim a mile and I tell you its really does feel good.

Don't run everyday otherwise you will eventually hurt yourself. I also do a spin class on Saturday mornign thats really good cv workout try it?

Someone said good shoes and they are right I buy new trainers every 3-4 months because of the high impact stuff I do.

Good luck
i am new here .have only been training 4 6packs for a year.onli got 2 packs.i dont seem 2 know how to get the last 2 .can you instruct me?my friends told me about crunches and reverse crunches.but i dont know what they are.......can anyone pls.......pls tell me how 2 get them?i have been dying 2 get them and become pros like you guys.your kindness wouly be much appreciated.
I perform cardio 7 days per week, 45 min each session and still maintain muscle.

It's all about maniupulating your diet accordingly.
~LV~ said:
I perform cardio 7 days per week, 45 min each session and still maintain muscle.

It's all about maniupulating your diet accordingly.

That sounds totally awesome! I want in! Please, tell me what you are doing!

I have all kinds of cardio I want to do that I hold back on simply to hold onto my mass.
Mr.Ninjaface said:
That sounds totally awesome! I want in! Please, tell me what you are doing!

I have all kinds of cardio I want to do that I hold back on simply to hold onto my mass.
You have to remember I only do this when cutting. When I bulk I perform cardio only 3-4 days per week.

Unfortunatly, due to the client confidentiality aggreement I have entered with the partner on my website, I can't give detailed info about my current cutting program as it is now being administered by an affliate of mine.

You can click on my homepage and scroll down to the bottom where there is a write up about him.
I agree with LV. If you have the diet to support 6 days of cardio, go for it!!
I teach 8 spinning classes a week which is a f*ing lot of cardio and very intense. I still make sure the hit the weights hard, especially for my legs. I am the leanest, strongest and healthiest I've ever been.
Thorough_Bred said:
Maybe thats why I am getting shin splints? I only run for about 20 minutes...5 days a week...because I am running with basketball shoes?

You should definately get running shoes. Go to a running store or read a running magazine and choose a shoe that's right for you. Plus, always always always run on soft surfaces like grass.