45 mins of weights

I have a question for the experts on the length of a workout. I could stay in the weight room for hours during my workouts but I understand that 45 mins is the proper amount of time. Does this include warmup, weights, body weight exercises, core and cardio or just the weights. My workouts are a combination of all these and I feel fine and even better when I stay for usually 1 and a half hours.
If you want to stay 1.5 hours, that's fine, specially if you do cardio and strength training on the same day. It could be a good idea to drink some water with some glucose and or maltodextrin and protein to keep your energy levels up. Though as long as you eat before you go work out (experiment a bit with the timing, some people don't like eating close to a workout) muscle catabolism during training isn't really a big factor unless you really deplete your glycogen levels (drinking some glucose will help here).
Usually when you're working out you are isolating certian body part's for example. Friday's I do arm's..which basically consist's of bicept's, tricept's and forearm's. Spending over an hour in the gym is over working this muscle's and eventually could cause muscle retention, which is never good. So i'd personally say around an hour, possibly an hour and a half if you take long break's.. ;) Hope this helps
I would say cut your workouts down if you can, concentrating and training with high intensity is much easier for 45 mins rather than trying to maintain that intensity through 90 mins. I feel like I start to lose focus after an hour. To keep my weight sessions short I do a similar thing to NBuilder and isolate one main body part a day - over 5 days.

And as post-workout nutrition is so important I would also try and seperate cardio from your weights. It is important as someone else mentioned to get some protein and glucose into you straight after weights.

45 mins is suppose to include warm up sets and all your normal sets for weight training.