44 pounds in one month?


New member
Possible or not possible?

EDIT: i'm going to try it.

I've lost 13kgs in the past. I used to be 85, and then I went down to 72kg. And then depression hits and im back to 85. WELL I AM SICK OF IT!!!!

So today i am 85kg or 187.2 Pounds. Time to do this shit!
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in a healthy, sustainable way? heck no
Nope. Not healthy, not sustainable. If you do manage to lose that much weight in a month, it'll be because you've starved yourself. It'll be mostly lean muscle mass that you lose, not fat, and you'll wind up damaging your metabolism.

You'll also gain it all back the minute you stop starving yourself - likely with more on top of that because you've screwed your metabolism so badly.

If you're sick of the yoyo-ing, then you need to stop torturing your body and learn a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. Your depression will also be helped by eating better. It's a medical fact that eating a healthy diet and getting a moderate amount of exercise can help with alleviating symptoms of depression - which will then help with the weight issues, which becomes a healthy cycle, and not a damaging one.