The ROCK benching 400 lbs at age 14... Yeah right, he isn't even close to that kind of build, I would be impressed to see him bench 400 pounds NOW.
I use to powerlift competitively back when I was a lard ass, I put up a lot more than 400, more than 500... With a pause...
When I was 14, I was a monster compared to most adults, I was 5'9", and 145 pounds, Solid muscle, I benched 250 lbs, ONE TIME at age 14, in the eigth grade... 250 lbs, by the time I was 19 I was benching close to 600, and weighed almost 240 @ 5'11"
I trained with a guy that was nationally, and globally ranked, he benched 750 at the time (back then the record was only 800), I watched him touch and go with 775 once... He was juiced to the hilt (obviously) and he weighed about 350 lbs @ 6' tall. SOLID GUY, Except for his huge ass gut.
Anyway, The Rock, no way... not even possible, he isn't even built like a powerlifter, he is built like a body builder, his chest isn't developed enough to even claim that he benched over 200 lbs at age 14.