Weight-Loss 4 Week Get-Ready-for-Summer Challenge Points Thread



New member
For those of you who joined the 4 Week Get-Ready-for-Summer Challenge, please post your points in this thread. Please do not post anything else in this thread, just your points using the template below. There will be a separate chat thread where we can discuss our progress and successes.

You must join this challenge by Wednesday, May 13th by adding your stats post to this thread by that date.

Weeks start on Mondays. Please enter your stats by Monday night.

Here's how you get points:

1. For each week, you will get 100 points if you do a minimum of 4 hours of exercise and eat "clean" for at least 5 days out of the week.

2. You will get an additional 25 points if you exercise at least one more hour (5 or more), and eat clean every single day out of the week.

3. At the very end of the challenge, you will get 5 points for every pound lost.

By eating clean, I mean you either follow your planned calorie or carb allotment, or if you dont count calories you eat generally healthy foods and dont binge on junk or healthy food. A few planned individualized portion controlled snacks, even if junky, are OK as long as there is no binging going on and the snacks are limited and reasonable.

Cleaning does not count as exercise. Nor does daily walking around doing errands in the mall or wherever. Targeted exercise only.

The person with the lowest score for the week will be eliminated. HOWEVER, if you get the minimum 100 points (5 good days of eating and 4 hours of exercise), you can NOT be eliminated and are safe. If you are ill or there is some other reason which is out of your control that you couldn't exercise that week, let us know and you will not be eliminated.


Start Weight: ___
End Weight: ___

Week 1:___, Week 1 Bonus: ___, Week 1 Total:__
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
Start Weight: 150 lbs
End Weight: ___

Week 1: 100, Week 1 Bonus: 0, Week 1 Total: 100
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
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Start Weight: 325.6 pounds
End Weight: 318.8 pounds
total weight lost: 6.8 pounds

Week 1: 100, Week 1 Bonus: 25, Week 1 Total: 125
Week 2: 100, Week 2 Bonus: 25, Week 2 Total: 125
Week 3: 100, Week 3 Bonus: 25, Week 3 Total: 125
Week 4: 100, Week 4 Bonus: 25, Week 4 Total: 125
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Start Weight: 130.2 lbs
End Weight: 125.0 lbs
Loss = 5.2 pounds

Monday travelling so cannot get a comparable weighing. I normally weigh after long walk before eating. Did not do long walk until 5pm and had eaten long before then.... Monday before walk 127.4 pounds.

I have however weighed in at Slimming World at 125.0 pounds on Tuesday which was a repeat of my low weight (as shown on my ticker) and firmly a pound below goal - also independantly verified. I am entering my Tuesday weight in the challenge - but if anyone believes that this is the wrong weight they should use the other. I know that others have a greater weightloss than me anyway so it should not make a difference to the final outcome of the challenge.

Week 1:100, Week 1 Bonus: 25, Week 1 Total:125 :hurray:
Week 2:100, Week 2 Bonus: 25, Week 2 Total:125 :hurray:
Week 3:100, Week 3 Bonus: 25, Week 3 Total:125 :hurray:
Week 4:100, Week 4 Bonus: 25, Week 4 Total:125 :hurray:
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Start Weight: 118.6 lbs
End Weight: ___

Week 1:___, Week 1 Bonus: ___, Week 1 Total:__
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
Kimberly's Stats

Start Weight: 225.5 :ack2:
End Weight: ___

Week 1: 100, Week 1 Bonus: , Week 1 Total: 100
Week 2: 100, Week 2 Bonus: 25, Week 2 Total: 125
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:
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Start Weight: 219 :S
End Weight: 215.5

Week 1:100, Week 1 Bonus: ___, Week 1 Total:100
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
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Start Weight: 121
End Weight: ___

Week 1:___, Week 1 Bonus: ___, Week 1 Total:__
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
Start Weight: 152.4lbs
End Weight: ___

Week 1: 100, Week 1 Bonus: 25, Week 1 Total: 125
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
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As you can see, I have finally put on some pregnancy weight the past few weeks. 5 pounds!!! Not bad at 18 weeks, I don't think anyways. If I gain a pound a week at this rate, that will only put me at 28-30lbs for this pregnancy. Ideally I'd like to keep it at 20-25, but we'll see!

Start Weight: 168
End Weight: ___

Week 1:100, Week 1 Bonus: 0 , Week 1 Total:100
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
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Start Weight: 168.8
End Weight: ___

Week 1:100, Week 1 Bonus: 0 , Week 1 Total:100
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
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Start Weight: 168.6
End Weight: _166.6__

Week 1:_100__, Week 1 Bonus: _0__, Week 1 Total:_100_
Week 2:_100__, Week 2 Bonus: _0__, Week 2 Total:_100_
Week 3:_100__, Week 3 Bonus: __0_, Week 3 Total:_100_
Week 4:_100__, Week 4 Bonus: _0__, Week 4 Total:_100_
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Start Weight: 182.0
End Weight: ___

Week 1:100, Week 1 Bonus: 0__, Week 1 Total:100
Week 2:100, Week 2 Bonus: 0__, Week 2 Total:100
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
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Start Weight: 220.6
End Weight: ___

Week 1:___, Week 1 Bonus: ___, Week 1 Total:__
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__

Start Weight:237:(

End Weight: ___

Week 1:_0__, Week 1 Bonus: _0__, Week 1 Total:_0_
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__

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I really have to post my weight huh? Sigh, okay here goes...

Start Weight:323
End Weight: 315 Total drop of 8 lbs = 40 points

Week 1: 100, Week 1 Bonus: 25, Week 1 Total: 125
Week 2:100, Week 2 Bonus: 25, Week 2 Total: 125
Week 3:100, Week 3 Bonus: 25, Week 3 Total:125
Week 4:100, Week 4 Bonus: 25, Week 4 Total:125

Point total for challenge = 540
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Start Weight: 190

week 1 weight: 185

End Weight: 184.5

Week 1:100, Week 1 Bonus: 25, Week 1 Total:125
Week 2:100, Week 2 Bonus: 25, Week 2 Total:125
Week 3:100, Week 3 Bonus: 25, Week 3 Total:125
Week 4:0, Week 4 Bonus: 0, Week 4 Total:0
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Start Weight: 200 ughh
End Weight: ___

Week 1:_0__, Week 1 Bonus: 0___, Week 1 Total:_0_ Did a little over 3 hours but couldn't make it to 4 due to sickness. Lost 1lb though!
Week 2:_100__, Week 2 Bonus: _0__, Week 2 Total:_100_
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
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Start Weight: 209 (blah!)
End Weight: ___

Week 1:___, Week 1 Bonus: ___, Week 1 Total:__
Week 2:___, Week 2 Bonus: ___, Week 2 Total:__
Week 3:___, Week 3 Bonus: ___, Week 3 Total:__
Week 4:___, Week 4 Bonus: ___, Week 4 Total:__
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