4 days rest enough?


I split my resistance training into 2 sessions and alternate them every 2 days, resulting in 4 days before a repeat of the same session (I figured this would be enough of a recovery period, even though some pro's leave a week).

However, some muscles of one session get worked again in the other session in an auxiliary sense - e.g. I work my bicep in session A directly (concentration curls etc) and indirectly in B, 2 days later (e.g. overhead bar pulldown [lats]). Is this overtraining?

Also, I note that if I have a few days extra off (for whatever reason), I am much stronger when I return, can lift more, and do more damage. Is this because of a build-up of unutilised glycogen? This would be strange as I don't feel much difference in energy/strength now that I have stopped doing cardio (HIIT) inbetween...

Any thoughts greatly appreciated
Depends on the volume lifted and whether you train to failure.
yeah man of steel is right. its all about how your workouts are done. i know that evolution would workout the same muscle (i think) with 24hours rest. but he did different types of training so it would lead to overtraining..
If you get stronger and gain - Your on the right track.
If you don´t gain and get weaker, you are doing it wrong.
Depending on your body type and alot of other stuff, you might be over duing it.
If you get stronger and gain - Your on the right track.
If you don´t gain and get weaker, you are doing it wrong.
Depending on your body type and alot of other stuff, you might be over duing it.
Wonderful and great words