3x3 Program mixed with endurance?

I'm currently trying to get bigger and stronger at the same time as improving my endurance. My current training program is as follows but I would like to know if this will allow me to get stronger whilst doing so much training?

I'm mixing the 3x3 power lifting training program 3 days a week, with running and body weight circuits. my typical week is as follows:

Monday, wednesday and Friday 3x3: (reps increase to 8 over 4 weeks)
6 sets 6 reps Bench press 70% 1 rep max
5 sets 6 reps Squat 70% 1 rep max
5 sets 6 reps Dead lift 70% 1 rep max

Tuesday and Thursday: (reps increase each week)
5-10 sets: 10 Heaves
12 dips
15 press ups
20 sit ups

I run about 20 miles a week with averagely one interval session for speed. I try to have the whole weekend off.

That's it. Recently I have been doing alot of weights and gained 5 kg in 2 months, but there was no real endurance involved. I've been doing this new program for 2 weeks so far and I don't feel exhausted. My diet is good, very high in protein and I try to eat 5 smaller meals a day. I'm hoping to increase my 1 rep max in all strength excercises, increase number of reps in body weight circuits and improve on my running. I've read alot about how strength and concurrent endurance training doesn't give good strength results, but doesn't effect endurance. What i want to know is can I get stronger and fitter at the same time with this program?

Sorry if I've waffled on a bit but any advice with good backround knowledge would be appreciated.
Wait, where's the 3x3 in that? You say it's 3x3, but then it's actually 5-6x6. What?

To answer your question, you can do strength + conditioning at the same time and get stronger, if you do it right. Circuit training on your off-days is not doing it right, however. Without knowing your training history, your personal records, your current training maxes, etc, it's hard to say how you should be training, but it's probably a good idea to cut back the volume of your strength training. 3x3-10 for squats and bench press, 1-3 sets of 1-6 reps for deadlifts, or some lighter, higher volume deadlift assitance work (like RDLs, cleans, speed deadlifts, hyperextensions, etc).

Once you've done your main lifts, get into your conditioning on the same day. 5-20min of it. I wouldn't do more than that (other than some walking). Maybe take that circuit, and do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in a given time period...again, 20min tops.

Sticking with conditioning on only 2 out of 3 days, or doing it every other training day, would likely be the way to go unless you stick the lower end of the duration for conditioning, to stop it from cutting into recovery too much.

It might be worth your knowing that my current trainig program is set up similarly to what I'm describing to you now. It's just squats, bench or overhead press (alternating each day), cleans or deadlifts (also alternating), a couple sets of pull ups or rows, and 5-10min of moderate to high intensity conditioning, followed by a walk home.
Firstly thank you for your feedback at last someone responded. I may be wrong in calling this a 3x3 program but it's the name given to the system I use which I found on the following link.

It was developed by a reputable trainer with lots of experiance and results from world class weight lifters. It's more like German Volume Training than anything but apparently it works well.

I'm not a power lifter I'm a soldier and require all round fitness, but surely the same principles applied to me will increase strength as well.

Also you will notice that my off days are Saturday and Sunday not Tues and Thurs. This is where I do my endurance side of my program which is what the whole post is questioning. Can I do both? I think I can and 2 weeks in I'm stronger and feeling fit and I havn't checked but I'm sure body fat is on its way down big time.

6'2" 90kg
bench 110kg
dead Lift 140kg
Squat 120kg
Can't really measure my endurance but I know it will increase with this program even if I don't get bigger.

Any further thoughts bearing all that in mind?