3km time trial training

Hey guys how are you,

Just had a few questions.. getting ready for a big pre-season and my goal is to be running 3km in 11 - 12mins as it is an average to good time, at the moment im doin high 13's going into 14mins so im pretty terrible comparing to how i used to be.

Basically im 18 and i need a program to get this fitness up, and fast i only have less then a month until training starts so im pretty desperate to get these times down

Cheers Brendon
Since no one else piped in...

For an aerobic-intense effort like a 3K and since you are already fit, I would look into HIIT. There is a whole section on this.
For a highly aerobic distance like a 3k your training should basically be to run as many miles as possible. You should also include 1-2 speed workouts and a long run in your weekly training. Start out by running as many miles as you can confortably in a week, try to increase this number by 5% each week. Also, be sure to seperate easy days and hard days, and don't be afraid to take a day off once and a while.

A weekly schedule I would advise:

mon- 3-5 mile easy run
tue- speed work (something like 400 intervals or HIIT)
wed- 3-5 mile easy run
thur- tempo run (run for 20 min at your goal race pace + 30 or sec per mile)
fri- 3-5 mile easy run
sat- 5-7 mile steady run (your long day)
sun- off/cross training/easy run (depending on how you feel)

You should obviously adjust the mileage and times depending on your fitness and experience.

Most importantly remember that the best way to improve in distance running is to spend more time running The more you run the more your times will improve. And finally the easy days are just as important as the hard days, don't worry about how fast you are running on those days instead focus on recovering from the day before.
fordz11 - what's your age?
I think it's good result because you run every km faster than 4 minutes. So you are pretty fast. But you can always be faster. If talking about elite runners - they run 3k faster than 8 minutes :)
Brenz - 3k is quite fast distance. It's not like marathon, you have to run very fast all the time. DistanceRun14 gave you quite good training program.
If you want to increase your speed, you should try fartlek. Do it 2 times per week :) It really helps. And you can do some runnings up hills. It's quite hard, but really helps :)
How far out are you from competition?