37 Mins Aerobic Workout Reduction Of Belly Fat Quickly

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A 150-pound female burns only ~280 calories per hour of intense weight lifting. Yea, you’ve read it right. It’s not gazillion calories. Not even a thousand.
Now, to lose a pound a week you need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories. Assuming that weight loss is linear (it’s not). This equals to 500 calorie deficit per day.
So if you’re a 150-pound female, you would need to exercise almost two hours E.V.E.R.Y. single day to lose a pound a week.
I don’t know about you but I think exercise should lift you up, making you more energized for the rest of your daily life, not turn you into a wastoid who has nothing left over.
Intense lifting and HIIT both have the "after burn effect" where the body continues to use calories at an increased rate for 24-48 hours post exercise.

Male or female, makes no difference to the rate of calorie burn for an exercise, A 150 pound woman doing the same exercise as a 150 lb man will burn the same calories.

Intense weight training has a METs value of 7

so a 150 lb person who actually lifts at an intense level burns 477 calories + the after burn effect. however most people do not A. lift at this Intensity and B. spent this amount of time actually lifting, rest between sets does not count for calorie calculations.

An intense exercise class (cardio) has a MET of 9 so the same person would use around 613 calories in that same hour.

not all exercise needs to be strenuous or formal, an hour of moderate housework (3.5 METs) will burn 238 calories in that hour, if the person also goes for a moderate walk ( 5 kph) for another hour then that is another 218 calories bringing the total to just under the 500 mark for basic every day activities before we take diet into account.

Despite the various calorie burns from exercise, fat loss still generally comes down to dietary changes, and not some miracle 37 minute workout being sold online.
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