Weight gain isnt all we need to consider....
Tom is absolutelty right, as we age, even at maintenance levels of caloric intake, we will gain a little weight every year. Bottom line. However something else that should be considered is we also lose muscle mass. After 30, bodies begin to start losing muscle mass. Once again it happens slowly, but if nothing is done for 10-20 years, it makes it much harder to come back from. Many professionals claim adding weight training to your routine is just as important as eating properly for an aging population. Starting now is always best, and its never too late. For myself I am kicking myself in the butt that I didnt start doing this so much sooner, when it would have been easier and now I would just be doing maintenance. But now at 37, I have at least 7 years of weight gain and muscle loss to contend with, on top of the age, work and family issues. Had I only started when I was 20......
Ahh well, it really is never too late to start and to actually reverse those negative effects! For myself, I feel stronger, healthier and more confident now than I did in my 20's! I have no doubt whatsoever that my 40's will be my best decade ever! All it takes is some hard work now, to make up for abject stinking laziness then.....