Weight-Loss 3 months until summer challenge - results and scoresheets only



I take the attitude of the more the merrier. If anyone new would like to join this challenge you can. Just copy my scoresheet setting your own start weight and goals for 15th May and 15th June.
Copy the "Sunpoints phase" section too and fill in your own info regarding the current mini challenge.

We weigh on Fridays and the mini challenge week runs from Monday to the following Sunday.
I will try to post the next weeks mini challenge by the Saturday.

As I see it this is the current situation regarding all contestants.

Let me know if I have got anything wrong.

Where weight is given in Kg - I simply multiply by 2.2 - If you would like a more accurate conversion post in pounds as well.

===========start weight========goal weight===end weight

iluvgymnastics....... 136.0-------012.0--------125.0----------134.5
JonnyG................. 217.0-------026.0--------190.0----------206.2
lisamcrn................ 163.0-------???----------???.?-----------151.6
mermaid................ 159.8-------022.7--------147.4----------154.8
Omega.................. 155.0-------N/A----------137.0----------136.6
plebian.................. 190.0-------102.0--------178.0----------185.5

The only point of a challenge is to motivate us to reach our goals and a key part of that is having obtainable goals. I suggest that you may wish to reconsider the mid May and mid June goals in the light of current weights.
Feel free to update them over the next few days so that everyone has something that they currently believe is attainable to shoot for.

In Jennbabe's absence I will distribute different points for the challenges that I set. Jennbabe may want to convert these into her points on her return. It retains flexibility for her to decide on a conversion rate. I am in an awkward position as it is definitely not my intention to annex it from her. I will call my points sunpoints as we are all looking forward to summer.

I have ignored the points that Jennbabe associated with the first mini challenge. I would prefer to look at the sunpoints situation alone - that way - we restart from the same place. I suspect that this will optimise the motivation that can be gained from following the challenge.

This means that we all start from a clean sheet. Let me know if anyone would prefer that I acted differently with this.

I firmly believe that both diet and exercise are required to healthily control our weight successfully.

Mini Challenges

The first mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 14th April until Sunday 20th April. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise. I freely admit to having cut and pasted aspects of this from other challenges. Good ideas are always worthy of repetition.

Dietary aspect:
Many of us don't consistantly get enough water each day. It's important for our bodies to be properly hydrated for many reasons. One of those reasons is that it helps our bodies to function well, helps our skin, and the biggest reason for us is that when we're dehydrated, our bodies hold on to the water it has, causing water retention, making the number on the scale higher. When we're properly hydrated, that excess water is flushed out of our systems. Proper hydration also helps prevent constipation--along with fiber. :D

So this week's dietary challenge is to drink at least 1oz (29.5735ml) of water for every 2lbs of your weight. 2 sunpoints for each day. For those of you doing metric, just round down to the nearest whole number. For example, if you weigh 200 lbs you divide it by 2, giving you 100. 100 X 29.5735= 2,957.35. So you'd drop off the .35 and drink 2,957ml of water per day. Or, 1kg= 32.53ml of water.
If someone drinks their full water allocation each day of the week they will earn 14 sunpoints.

Exercise aspect:
I will give 0.5 sunpoint for every 15 minutes of exercise completed during the week. The weekly maximum is 5 hours.
If someone did 5 hours of exercise (or more) across the whole week I would give them 10 sunpoints.
Any form of exercise is acceptable - cardio or strength. I personally do a lot of exercise walking and this certainly counts.

This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.

The second mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 21st April until Sunday 27th April. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise. I again freely admit to having cut and pasted aspects of this from other challenges.

Dietary aspect:
Fiber is important in any diet, whether you're trying to lose weight or not.

This week's bonus is to eat at least 25g of fiber each day. 2 sunpoints for each day
If someone has their fiber each day of the week they will earn 14 sunpoints.

Exercise aspect: – same as last week

This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.

The third mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 28th April until Sunday 4th May. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise. I again freely admit to having cut and pasted aspects of this from other challenges.

Dietary aspect:

Protein is important in any diet, whether you're trying to lose weight or not.
Studies have shown that getting enough protein is an important componant to losing more fat and less muscle. The following article goes into more detail.

Protein + Exercise May Promote Weight Loss

Remember, meat isn't the only way to get protein. Fruit, vegetables and legumes (lentils and beans) also have decent amounts of protein. You can also get protein from protein shakes or protein powder. Dairy and eggs also have protein.

This week's bonus is to eat at half your weight in lbs in grams of protein. So if you weigh 200lbs, you should eat at least 100g of protein per day. You should get most of your protein from lean protein like chicken breast, fish, lean cuts of beef, etc, as opposed to fatty protein. Generally, 1oz of lean meat has about 5g of protein. So you would need to eat about 20oz of lean meat to get 100g of protein. 2 sunpoints for each day

If someone has their protein each day of the week they will earn 14 sunpoints.

Exercise aspect: – same as last week

This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.
The fourth mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 5th May until Sunday 11th May. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise.

Dietary aspect:

I am sure that we have all heard of the concept of at least 5 portions of fruit or vegetables being central to adopting good nutrition.

Why Eat 5 A DAY - 5 A DAY

Portion Sizes - 5 A DAY

Some interesting information about fruit and veg:

Discovery Health :: Truth About Food

My challenge to you for this week is to make sure that you have 5 portions of fruit or vegetables each day. 2 sunpoints for each day

If someone has sufficient fruit and veg each day of the week they will earn 14 sunpoints.

The wonderful thing is that fruit and veg generally contain fibre and some protein – so if you are trying to continue the good habits that you have developed in previous weeks – some food ticks a number of boxes.

Also – since fruit is naturally sweet – it can help to satisfy sugar cravings.

Exercise aspect: – same as last week

This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.
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The fifth mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 12th May until Sunday 18th May. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise.

Dietary aspect:

Many of us get annoyed at the scale not going down in the way that we would like. One reason that the scale does not go down when we eat less calories than we burn through exercise is water retention. Excessive sodium is one reason why we retain water. A low sodium diet also helps to reduce our blood pressure. Many of us eat more sodium than the current recommendation – it is quite easy to do this – even when adding no sodium to our plate or in cooking. Most people eat over 3000mg sodium – yet the current recommendation from the American Heart Association is 2300mg

You may find the following links interesting:

Many processed foods contain high levels of sodium.

Be careful when you use online calorie calculators to see your sodium content, as it isn't always correct. For example, my friend tells me that frozen chicken breats (unbreaded--just chicken) say there is about 300mg of sodium per 4oz, whereas fitday says there is over 700mg of it. The reason being, they assume she has salted it. So rely on what the labels say more than the online calculators. I would not add table salt to anything this week, as a teaspoon of salt has 2300mg of sodium--that's all of your daily allowance.

My challenge to you for this week is to make sure that you have no more than 2300mg sodium each day. 2 sunpoints for each day

If someone has no more than 2300mg sodium each day of the week they will earn 14 sunpoints.

Exercise aspect: – same as last week

This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.

The sixth mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 19th May until Sunday 25th May. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise.

Dietary aspect:

There are a lot of benefits to our cholesterol levels if we ensure that we eat plenty of beans. The only real problem is that tinned beans do tend to contain some sodium so we have to watch out that we do not exceed our sodium levels if we get our beans from tins.

There have been a number of studies on the effectiveness of beans. I cannot see a link for one that I have known about for some time. Basically – they discovered that if you can manage to eat a tin (approx 420 grams) of baked beans three times per week – there is a great improvement in the level of cholesterol.

Another more recent study was as follows.

My challenge to you for this week is to either
- eat three tins of baked beans during the week – for 4,4, and 6 points – total 14 points
Or – eat half a cup of beans each day – 2 points per day – total 14 points

So - eat lots of beans to collect 14 points.

Exercise aspect: – same as last week

This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.

The seventh mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 26th May until Sunday 01st June. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise.

Dietary aspect:

Calcium is important for our bones to be healthy.

I have often seen a daily level of 700mg recommended – however there are authorities that promote 1000mg calcium per day.

I often find that my diet is providing me with between 700mg and 800mg. Naturally I have the option of either eating something else containing calcium or taking a supplement which contains calcium. My daily multivitamin contains 100mg calcium, I also take a calcium supplement when appropriate.

My challenge to you for this week is to become aware of how much calcium is in your diet – and improve your intake (either from food or a supplement) so that you have 1000mg each day - 2 points per day.

So – have 1000mg calcium for each day to collect 14 points.

Exercise aspect: – same as last week

This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.

The eighth mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 02nd June until Sunday 08th June. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise.

Dietary aspect:

We already know how important fruit and vegetables are to our diet. There is a great benefit to having a spread of different types of fruit and vegetables. They contain different nutrients that can have a very beneficial effect.

An easy rule of thumb is to vary the colours. When young – we were all told to eat our greens. The fact is that the different colours provide us with different benefits. We do best to see as many colours on our plate as possible.

You may be interested in this article:

My challenge to you for this week is to try and get three different colours between your 5 portions of fruit / vegetables each day - 2 points per day. Hitting for example two colours of fruit and a different colour with veg does count, as does hitting all the colours with fruit – or any other combination that appeals to you.

So – have three colours among your 5-a-day to collect 14 points.

Exercise aspect: – same as last week

This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.

The ninth mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 09th June until Sunday 15th June. This is the last mini challenge as this challenge is due to end on 15th June. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise.

Dietary aspect:

I have sent a PM to everyone that I am aware of still being involved in this challenge. It includes some scanned copies of pages that list some very healthy foods. I would like you to attempt to adhere to the diet specified in the PM – which should involve very little by way of weighing or measuring – and should give quite a wide choice of menu options. If you have a bad food day – you can either discount the day or attempt to earn the food in the manner outlined in the PM.

If anyone else is following this challenge – I would be happy to send them a copy of the PM if they send a PM to me.

My challenge to you is to eat according to the plan for as many days as possible - 3 points per day.

So – follow the plan all week to collect 21 points

Exercise aspect: – same as last week
I will give 0.5 sunpoint for every 15 minutes of exercise completed during the week. The weekly maximum is 5 hours.
If someone did 5 hours of exercise (or more) across the whole week I would give them 10 sunpoints.
Any form of exercise is acceptable - cardio or strength. I personally do a lot of exercise walking and this certainly counts.

This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 31 sunpoints over the next week.
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15th March = 11st 01.0lbs i.e. 155.0 pounds
15th April.. = 10st 09.0lbs i.e. 149.0 pounds
15th May.. = 10st 03.0lbs i.e. 143.0 pounds
15th June.. = 09st 11.0lbs i.e. 137.0 pounds

Weigh Ins:
21/03/2008 10st 12.8lbs i.e. 152.8 pounds
28/03/2008 10st 11.8lbs i.e. 151.8 pounds
04/04/2008 10st 10.4lbs i.e. 150.4 pounds
11/04/2008 10st 07.6lbs i.e. 147.6 pounds
16/04/2008 10st 06.4lbs i.e. 146.4 pounds (in hospital from 16th to 19th)
25/04/2008 10st 06.6lbs i.e. 146.6 pounds (after bringing down enormous sodium gain)
02/05/2008 10st 05.4lbs i.e. 145.4 pounds
09/05/2008 10st 08.0lbs i.e. 148.0 pounds
16/05/2008 10st 07.0lbs i.e. 147.0 pounds
23/05/2008 10st 01.0lbs i.e. 141.0 pounds

Mini challenge - exercise walks
From Mon 17/03/2008 to Sun 23/03/2008 half a bonus point for each mile walked
Total 67.0 miles

Sunpoints phase
-------------Weight------Minutes Exercised-------Nutrition Task-----Weekly SunPoints
Week 1:------???.?------5 hrs 00 min+-10.0pts----YYNNNNY--06pts---WEEK TOTAL 16.0pts
Week 2:------???.?------5 hrs 00 min+-10.0pts----YYYYYYY--14pts---WEEK TOTAL 24.0pts
Week 3:------???.?------5 hrs 00 min+-10.0pts----YYYYYYY--14pts---WEEK TOTAL 24.0pts
Week 4:------???.?------5 hrs 00 min+-10.0pts----YYYYYYY--14pts---WEEK TOTAL 24.0pts
Week 5:------148.4------5 hrs 00 min+-10.0pts----YYYYYYY--14pts---WEEK TOTAL 24.0pts
Week 6:------???.?------5 hrs 00 min+-10.0pts----3tinsYYY---14pts---WEEK TOTAL 24.0pts
Week 7:------???.?------5 hrs 00 min+-10.0pts----YYYYYYY---14pts---WEEK TOTAL 24.0pts
Week 8:------???.?------5 hrs 00 min+-10.0pts----????????---??pts---WEEK TOTAL ??.?pts
Week 9:------136.6------5 hrs 00 min+-10.0pts----????????---??pts---WEEK TOTAL ??.?pts
sunpoint wk2 exercise
53 mins mon
1 hr 24 mins tues
1 hr 26 mins wed
1 hr 54 mins thurs
+ walking fri,sat,sun

sunpoint wk3 exercise
Monday: 3hr 40 mins
Tuesday: 3hr 20 mins
+ walking other days

back up to doing over 3 hours exercise every day
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Alrighty, lets get this bugger started:

03/15/2008: 217
04/15/2008: 210
05/15/2008: 200 Will be my first time under 200 in 3 years.
06/15/2008: 190 Will be my first time under 190 in 9 years.

Week 1 Weigh in (3/22) = 215.2lbs (-1.8lbs for the week)
Week 2 Weigh in (3/29) = 213.6lbs (-1.6lbs for the week)
Week 3 Weigh in (4/05) = ???.?lbs (unknown - bad eating with family weekend)
Week 4 Weigh in (4/12) = 211.8lbs (-1.8lbs since last weigh-in)
Week 5 Weigh in (4/21) = 210.8lbs (-1.0lbs since last weigh-in)

Week1 MiniChallenge Walking (Distance):
- Total for the week = 15.7mi

Week4 MiniChallenge Liquids (Required: Weight/2 = oz/day, 210/2 = 105oz/day)
Sunday - 20oz*5 + 64ozPitcher = 164oz = 2sunpts
Monday - 20oz*4 + 64ozPitcher = 144oz = 2sunpts
Tuesday- 20oz*6 + 50oz of pitcher = 170oz = 2sunpts
Wednesday (no specific numbers, but at least 120oz) = 2sunpts
Thursday- Worked around the house all day, had 2 pitchers of water total = ~64*2 = 128oz = 2sunpts
Friday - Bad day, only got about 1pitcher of water.. but had 2x24oz beers.. = 1sunpt
Saturday = Unmeasured, but not a lot of water that day, maybe 1.5 pitcher = 1sunpt
Sunday = Made up for a few days worth of water shortage, 64oz*5 = 320oz water = 2sunpts
WeeklyTotal: 14sunpts

Week4 MiniChallenge Exercise (0.5 sunpoint for every 15 minutes of exercise)
Sunday = 20min on Bowflex
Monday = 45min Exercise
Tuesday = 20min on Bowflex + 20min Calisthenics + 20min "other" activities = 60min
Wednesday = not much exercise, 20min of walking dogs
Thursday = Had the day off and did lots of housework, about 4.2 hours of vaccuming/dusting/lifting/moving/organizing/etc
Friday = More Housecleaning, 2.2hrs
Saturday = 18holes Golf with Dad (no cart), 3hrs
Sunday = Dogs at park for 2 hours
WeeklyTotal = 5hr max (((total/15)*.5)=10sunpts)

Week 5 MiniChallenge: Fiber (26g of Fiber/day = 2sunpts)
Monday = 21g of Fiber = 1sunpt
Tuesday =
Wednesday =
Thursday =
Friday =
Saturday =
Sunday =
Weekly Total = 1 sunpts

Week 5 MiniChallenge: Exercise (30min = 1sunpt, max 10pts)
Monday = 35 min of Playing with dog and "other" exercise = 1sunpt
Tuesday =
Wednesday =
Thursday =
Friday =
Saturday =
Sunday =
Weekly Total = 30min = (totalMins/30) = 1 sunpts
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Hi Omega,

Thanks for setting this up. Here are my stats, and my new goals for the summer.

Old Goals:
April 15th Goal: 184
May 15th Goal: 178
June 15th Goal: 172

New Goals:
April 15th Goal: 188
May 15th Goal: 182
June 15th Goal: 178

Weigh Ins:
March 28: 190.5
April 11: 188
April 18: 188
April 25: 188 - ARGGGGHHHH!
May 2nd: 190 - sigh....
May 9th: 190
May 16th: 188 :)
May 23rd: 187.5
May 30th: 187
June 6th:185.5 Yay

-------------Weight------Minutes Exercised----------Nutrition Task----Weekly SunPoints
Week 1:------???.?------4 hour-8.0pts----------------M,Tu,Th--6 pts---WEEK TOTAL 14 pts
Week 2:------188.0------5 hour-10.0pts--------------Th, Sa --4 pts---WEEK TOTAL 14 pts
Week 3:------190.0------5+ hour-10.0pts--------------Tue, Wed, Th, Sa---8 pts---WEEK TOTAL 18 pts
Week 4:------???.?------5+ hour-10.0pts--------------Mo,Tu,W,Th,Fr --10 pts---WEEK TOTAL 20 pts
Week 5:------190.0------2 hour-4.0pts------------------Tu, Fr, Su 6 pts---WEEK TOTAL 10 pts
Week 5:------188.0------4 hour-8.0pts------------------ 0 pts---WEEK TOTAL 8 pts
Week 6:------187.5------4 hour - 8.0 pts--------------Mo, Tu, Wed, Sa, Su--10 pts----WEEK TOTAL 18 pts
Week 7:------187.0------2 hours - 4 pts-----------------Mo, Tu, W, Th, Fri, --

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03/15/2008: 159.8 (72.5 kg) Starting weight
04/15/2008: 156.2 (71 kg) This is my weight today

05/15/2008: 151.8 (69 kg) 1st goal- Weight on 05/15: 69.9 kg (hum...near but not actually there!)
06/15/2008: 147.4 (67 kg) 2nd goal

Week 1 Weigh in (3/22) = 157 (-2.8)---71.4 kg (-1.1 kg)
Week 2 Weigh in (3/29) = 155.5 (-4.3)---70.7 kg (-1.8 kg)
Week 3 Weigh in (4/05) = ------------------------------
Week 4 Weigh in (4/12) = 156.6 (-3.2)---71.2 kg (-1.3 kg)
Week 5 Weigh in (4/18) = -------------------------------
Week 6 Weigh in (4/25) = 156.6 (-3.2)---71.2 kg (-1.3 kg)
Week 7 Weigh in (5/02) = 154.4 (-5.4)---70.2 kg (-2.3 kg)
Week 8 Weigh in (5/09) = 153.8 (-6.0)---69.9 kg (-2.6 kg)
Week 9 Weigh in (5/16) = 153.3 (-6.5)---69.7 kg (-2.8 kg)
Week10 Weigh in (5/23) = 154.8 (-5.0)---70.4 kg (-2.1 kg)

Week1 MiniChallenge Walking (Distance):
- Total for the week = 1.7 miles

Week4 MiniChallenge Liquids
My goal is 2.3 l x day (sorry but I prefer to work with liter/metres/kg...);I will only post each day I will complete my goal.
Week4 MiniChallenge Exercise
I will only post each day I will exercise.
04/16: 30 min. walking
04/18: 45 min. aquagym + 40 min. walking
04/19: 30 min. walking

Week5 MiniChallenge Fiber
Goal 25g of fiber each day. I will only post each day I will complete my goal.
Week5 MiniChallenge Exercise
I will only post each day I will exercise.
04/20: 30 min. walking
04/22: 60 min. walking+ 60 min. aquagym

Week6 MiniChallenge Proteins
Goal 78g of proteins each day. I will only post each day I will complete my goal.
Week6 MiniChallenge Exercise
I will only post each day I will exercise.
04/29: 90 min. walking+ 45 min. aquagym

Week7 MiniChallenge 5 Fruit/Vegetables portions
I will only post each day I will complete my goal.
Week7 MiniChallenge Exercise
I will only post each day I will exercise.
05/06: 45 min walking+45 min aquagym
05/09: 45 min aquagym+20 min walking

Week8 MiniChallenge no more than 2300mg sodium each day
I will only post each day I will complete my goal.
Week8 MiniChallenge Exercise
I will only post each day I will exercise.
05/13: 40 min walking

Week9 MiniChallenge eat three tins of baked beans during the week
I will only post each day I will complete my goal.
Week9 MiniChallenge Exercise
I will only post each day I will exercise.
05/21: 60 min walking
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Not sure if I'm doing this right, but here's what I've got:

Current weight: 136
Goal for May 15: 130
Goal for June 15: 125

4/14: water: 72 oz.
exercise: 75 minutes running/walking on treadmill
Hey everyone, I just found this thread.........good luck.

Start 3/13 163
4/15 162 --not doing well

Sunpoints phase
-------------Weight------Minutes Exercised----------Nutrition Task----Weekly SunPoints
Week 1:------???.?------------??????--??pts---WEEK TOTAL
4/15: 1 Liter (I'm not sure how many ounces that is), plus 32 oz. of water, ran 15 minutes and walked 50 minutes on treadmill, 10 minutes on bike... this is all well and good, but I ate, A LOT which negates all that work. Why do I do that? *Sigh*

Sunpoints phase
-------------Weight------Minutes Exercised----------Nutrition Task----Weekly SunPoints
Week 1:------???.?------1 hrs 20 min+-5.0pts-------Y??????--4 pts---WEEK TOTAL 9 pts
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This is for the rest of the week last week:
I don't think I met the water goal any day but the first, unless tea counts, but I'm guessing not. I exercised at least an hour every day which is 2 points a day!

Sunpoints phase
-------------Weight------Minutes Exercised----------Nutrition Task----Weekly SunPoints
Week 1:------???.?------at least 5 hours+-10.0pts-------Y??????--4 pts---WEEK TOTAL 14 pts
iluvgymnastics - It is confusing if you keep entering a new scoresheet each time you want to change things.

Please click on edit on the first scoresheet and change that each time. We can all edit only our own postings. Then you can click on edit then delete on the other extra ones. It keeps things nice and tidy and easy to work through.

For future reference 1 litre is the equivalent of 33.81 ounces.

Tea does not count.

That means - if you have 32 ounces plus 1 litre - you have 65.81 ounces which is a little under your target. I am happy to give you the points for reaching your target for that day because (having been rushed into hospital for emergency surgery) I was not available for answering your query regarding the ounce equivalent of a litre.

You get 2 points for water consumption since you reached your target on one day.
===========start weight========goal weight===end weight

iluvgymnastics....... 136.0-------012.0--------125.0----------134.5
JonnyG................. 217.0-------026.0--------190.0----------206.2
lisamcrn................ 163.0-------???----------???.?-----------151.6
mermaid................ 159.8-------022.7--------147.4----------154.8
Omega.................. 155.0-------N/A----------137.0----------136.6
plebian.................. 190.0-------102.0--------178.0----------185.5

Since I have been running this challenge for much of the time since Jennbabe disappeared - I have decided to resign as an active participant. Aspects of the challenge which I have set have not been a stretch for me - they have been things that I try to do each day anyway. Therefore I have distributed no sunpoints to myself.

Peg has stuck with the challenge throughout - and this fact is reflected in her commanding score.

The winner of this challenge is therefore Peg (plebian).


Well done Peg!