Weight-Loss 3 Meals VS. 6 Meals daily



New member
Okay, So does anyone else have this problem, I find that when I eat 6 small meals a day, my mind gets caught up in the thought of food and I end up overeating or just eating small unhealthy things however when I eat 3 bigger meals a day with occasional TINY snacking like a bite of an apple here or there or something then I feel better but I also don't feel the need to overeat.

I exercise everyday, so I'm making sure I get all my calories I need to but I'm not sure if getting my calories in 3 meals is a bad thing or not? It seems to be the only thing that actually works with me not overeating... any solutions/thoughts on this?

Eating 3 times a day isn't a problem in any way at all. The talk about "keeping your metabolism going" and likewise things is at best referring to a very small change in metabolism and not something that is at all comparable to your enjoyment of living :) Eating 3 times a day is super fine :)

edit: as far as my education goes there wouldn't even be any huge problems with 2 meals or even 1 meal a day, tho you might feel like shit just after eating and veeery hungry at the end of the cycle but.. from a health standpoint I can guarantee you that 3 isn't a problem, at all.
wow, I wasn't expecting such quick replies, Thank You both for the advice! I feel much better now.

PS. I read the sticky and I really loved the comparison on saving $100 by buying something that cost $1,000 but 10% off vs. spending $100 in the first place and saving the other $900.
I think I read it in burn the Fat Feed the Muscle something about protein having only a 4 hour lifetime in the body before it's eliminated. Something I still have to research and verify, since despite that being said, it appears the calories associated with it stay with you (catch-22 there). Now, I doubt that anyone here is at such a stage of muscle development that they have to worry about their body being fed with that much protein 24/7, nor is 98% of the world in all reality I'd imagine. But that's the thought process I see being pushed a lot.

Myself, I find that if I have the chance to, I'm a nibbler, so 6 small meals a day works for me, the main thing lately is putting something healthy within reach to snack on (ie container of celery sticks vs twinkies) as I sit at my desk.

So basically, context.. which way works best for you while still fulfilling your goals?
Tom's actually a buddy of mine. Just posted an interview I did with him, in fact. He's releasing an updated version of BFFM very soon which will have updated information - some of his initial thoughts are changing/evolving as the research evolves.

Protein doesn't have that sort "shelf life" as it varies greatly on individual circumstances. In fact, there's research suggesting spacing protein out a bit more would be more beneficial in terms of net protein accretion, but it's early yet.
No doubt, no doubt at all, and it's good to see that he actually updates his book as new information arrives. His is one of the few if any books I recommend to people because of its quality, his writing style which is more like hes actually talking to you and with you instead of at you, but most of all, his motivation section is hand down second to none in comparison to all the books I've read through on these subjects.