3 easy rules to remember!

fitness dave

New member
Hi all. Please don't think of me as a patronising idiot but..... I'm a personal trainer and diet advisor. It's my job, has been for years. I love it and there's NO better feeling than helping a client/friend (all my clients become my friends) achieve their goals. I get a real rush from it! Anyway, what I want to say is this, there are three main reasons why dieters/trainees fail. 1) Lack of focus and commitment, 2) Loss of motivation and 3) They don't enjoy what they're doing! Ok, lets deal with 1) Before entering into a diet/training regime you absolutely MUST understand it's not going to "happen" overnight. Make sure you can commit for the LONG haul. Time, work, holidays, lifestyle....all these must be factored in to be successful. Ok, now 2) Wow, what a pandoras this is!!!! Wedding, holiday, health, new "love".....all very potent motivators. To achieve your goals the BIGGEST motivation must be YOU! Yes you! Do it for YOU. It's YOUR body, YOUR life, YOUR fitness, YOUR health. To hell with anything else!!! DO IT FOR YOU!!! Right, 3) Find a diet/regime that suits YOU. (see 1)). It must fit your lifestyle and routines. Hey, if it's a diet it doesn't HAVE to mean bland. No way! You CAN still eat pretty much what you want (I say that with GREAT reserve) just LESS of it. Remember, you need to create a calorie deficit. Burn off more than you ingest in other words. It REALLY is that simple.
If ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE wants a bit of help with their diet or training then please feel free to PM me. I'm not on here often but I will get back to you and will help in any way I can.
Take care......Dave

Good that you want to help out, but it sounds a lot like you may be about to spam your own site or promote your own goods. Currently we have a couple of personal trainers who help out and hang about, some are even Mods.
Perhaps you want to watch and see how things work before diving in and offering all sorts of advice, some people can be very defensive and need a different approach to others (weight loss is a sensitive subject). A good word of advice is to not spam ANY sites at all until you are at least well known and regular here, links are only ok for beginners if they are communal well known sites (ie wikipedia, fitday.com etc)

Good that you want to help out, but it sounds a lot like you may be about to spam your own site or promote your own goods. Currently we have a couple of personal trainers who help out and hang about, some are even Mods.
Perhaps you want to watch and see how things work before diving in and offering all sorts of advice, some people can be very defensive and need a different approach to others (weight loss is a sensitive subject). A good word of advice is to not spam ANY sites at all until you are at least well known and regular here, links are only ok for beginners if they are communal well known sites (ie wikipedia, fitday.com etc)

Hi. Thanks for the advice but I'm not on here to spam or mislead. I fully appreciate weight loss is a sentive subject......I'm in the business! I genuinely want to help. Without going into details, my family are never going to be accused of being anorexic if you follow me. I personally have had weight issues and that was one of my reasons for studying diets and fitness. I loved weight training which lead to a reasonably successful bodybuilding period (I won 5 out of 6 competions I entered) and then got involved in training when I opened my own commercial 8,000sq ft gym. That in turn led me too employ some PTs and, ultimately, gain my own qualifications. 6 years on and I still get a real buzz out of mentoring a client and watch them achieve. There is no better feeling than meeting a client (wracked with self doubt, low esteem and no confidence) and watching them grow into the person they really are! Confident, proud and self fulfilled. I ABSOLUTELY love it! Tell me a job/profession where you can get that level of job satisfaction?
Thanks again........but I REALLY am here to help.
Hey Pomme,
You're very welcome.