3 day weekend! One-Ups-manship

OK, so i am all fired up about this place.... and sitting here eating my Quinoa over banana slices (and yes Stroutman- i skipped the cake last night). Great UFC fights too, and I didn't mow down.....

Would you guys like to play, "one upmanship" for a 3 day wekend?

I'm starting with Tae Kwon Do at 11:00 worth 731 calories. whatcha got?

Let's get it on!!!!

I think this might fail because of the lack of knowing what kcals are burned for certain expenditures. I have no idea how many kcals are burned throwing and having sex. I'll be doing a lot of that over this 3 day weekend.:)
Well Ev, an hour of vigerous sex is approximately 40 kcals so I think it'll take around 18 1/2 hours of vigerous sex to get to FF's 731 for TKD.

Now FF, I did my boot camp which was a fun filled hour of push ups (various), crunches (various), pull ups (over/under), walking lunges, sprints, and then some other "stuff" for good measure.

Gotta do the yard now-- check back in later dude.

hey Doc! Please do tell the entire routine on that boot camp. Also, i ended up riding my mountain bike to TKD and back for a total of 2000 cals. that link we got to fitday.com seems pretty gracious on some items.

Evo, I do know this... I rode to TKD and back so I could come and tell it here... so the thread is very successful for ME. I know all about thread competition. No board "dynamics" for me.

tonight i will lift weights-- haven't been sore in a long time. i look forward to it.
The thing about the bootcamp class is that it's never the same. That's actually part of the beauty though because you really never know what your focus will end up on. This morning's workout was a big focus on abs.

  • 4 sets 20 each straight leg crunches
  • 4 sets 20 each straight leg cross-over (bicycles)
  • 4 sets 20 each bent leg crunches
  • 4 sets 20 each bent leg bicycles
  • 4 sets 20 each straight leg climb-crunches
  • 2 minutes of pushups (30 seconds, then vary hand position)
  • 1 minute plank, then 10 pushups (repeat x2)
  • 30 seconds "bleacher" dips, sprint 1/2 bb court, then 30 second plank, then 10 pushups, then sprint back (repeat x4)
  • 2 minutes bent leg sit ups
  • 2 minutes "monkey bar" pull ups (mix over and underhand)
  • walking lunges around the bb 1/2 court
  • 30 seconds mountain-climbers, sprint to center line, sprint back, sprint full 1/2 court, sprint back (repeat x4)
  • 2 minutes dive bombers

Started with stretches and ended with stretches. Keep in mind, this is the best I can remember now...I didn't study for this test, heh heh. When I do my next class on Wednesday (we're off Monday for the holiday), I'll pay closer attention and let you all know (if you're still interested).

Oh yeah...and I've been tracking my diet the last couple days on FitDay. I can see I need to make some adjustments there. Here's the link if you'd like to critique:

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that is a good one. I may look into some club, or gym stuff. Today i am goifn to go lift weghts again today.... chest, lats, and tricepts. then the family is headed to a nature reserve for some mountain biking.... but we'll see. and I will go check your link. I didn't see yet how to do that.

got it
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CCR-- I gotta say there must be *something* wrong with that calculation. That came from FitDay...

But if it is true...heck of a way to spend 18+ hours right? :D
hey, here's a thought,,, Doc only burns 40 cals, because his lady is always coming after him!!! now I'm all envious see there....green with envy!!