2nd time round


New member
So I have started my second weight loss journey. The first was 5 years ago when I had a heart 'scare' (Dr more scared than I was) with moderately high Blood Pressure and ectopic heart beats (which was what scared my Dr but not the Cardiologist)…. Anyway I lost 20kg back then and my BP dropped to normal (below normal with the BP meds) so the Dr took me off the meds. So 5 years later the weight has crept back and the BP has gone up and I decided to nip it in the bug at the mild hypertensive level. Only problem is I'm also 5 years older so the weight loss exercise program I did back then is a bit tougher (I'm almost 60 now). But I will persevere albeit a little slower.
Welcome to the forum!
I’m here for round two as well - 13 years ago I joined this form, lost over 80 pounds, then lost focus, quit coming to the forum and allll that weight came back.

And so we’re here :)
No time like the present to (re)start!

The guys here are very supportive and knowledgeable. If you need anything just post and you’ll get it!
Welcome to the forum dhi. It does get harder to lose weight as we get older as our habits are more entrenched. It can be done of course. What do you have planned? How much do you want to lose?