Sport 250g protein a day i am 150lbs

Sport Fitness
i eat over 200 g protein a day and i weigh 150. i dont even try to eat that much protein. 1 whey shake a day in the morning. the rest is from fish, meat, nuts ect. is this too much???

again, im not force feeding myself; the truth is that many healthy things i enjoy eating has protein. i also get all my veggies in(spinache, brocolii, carrots, mushrooms) every day. i take a multivitamin and drink a lot of water too.

is 250g/day hard on my kidneys??/ :cool: thanks
is 250g/day hard on my kidneys??/ :cool: thanks

Usually anything under 1.5 times your body weight is considered safe as long as you have a very active life and are a weight lifter anything *EDIT* so lower your protein intake to around 1.5
Take 700micrograms a day folate which will lower your bloods Homocysteine levels
Which btw Homocysteine is a by product of the bodys digestion of protein
They cause nicks and inflammation in the arterial walls. Simple reason being is because their tiny little crystals...
there are a number of affects that having to much protein does to your body but i doubt your getting enough to worry about it but i still would suggest you lower to 1.5 x BW or less
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and plenty of water. I'm about 180lbs and on cardio days I push 300g of protein on this carb cycling thing I'm doing (can't get calories from carbs, so they gotta come from fat and protein)