23.12 Stone Teenager

Big Ray

New member
Hi there! I'm 16 years old, and weigh in at 23.12 stone (or 323lbs). I'm 6'6" and look nowhere near my weight. However, what I have come to realise is the amount of stretchmarks I now have appear (to me) to be astronomical. They're horrendous. However the main reason I am here is because I am so sick and tired of being overweight. Never had a girlfriend, it excludes me from certain social activities and it is becoming quite depressing. Hopefully this forum will help me change my image. I'm not entirely sure what my ideal weight is but I'd like to get down to about 15 stone (Just quickly looked at an ideal weight chart - It says I should be 18 stone as an ideal weight! surely this isn't right).

Anyway hope to see you around the forums,

Welcome to the site!
Welcome to the forum! A good way to get started is to set up a diary in the diary section. Then people can check in on you and offer support and advice. It is also a good idea to start posting in other's diaries. There are so many people on here, it is sometimes hard for us to get to know the newbies. But most people will look for your diary after you have posted in theirs. ;)

Good luck! :D