2 months in and no results PLEASE HELP!!!!

Hey guys, trying to get some help in my current situation hoping to get some good advice, please bare with the long post.

So just for some background knowledge I am 23 years old, 5'11, 220 pounds, male.
Recently I became real serious about getting into good shape and I even have a buddy helping me who has been a gym rat for most of his life and plus he was in the military.
So I have spent the last 2 months on a pretty strict diet eating 3-5 small-midsized meals(as opposed to counting calories) a day. Usually eggs or oatmeal in the morning, fruits or veggies for 2 snacks a day, lean meat and whole wheat/grain crabs or veggies for lunch/dinner.

For exercise I have basically just been doing a lot of weight lifting and compound exercises, bent rows, military press, bench press, squats, dead lifts, flat flys, wide flys , curls, over head curls, skull crushers, ab work outs...etc and my buddy is really making me do work. Our work outs are typically 5-6 days a week and 1 solid hour long. We work out every day and its all nonstop back to back we hardly rest or just bull shit around.

Now here is the issue I have been doing this for almost a full 2 months and went from about 225 Ib to 220/1 Ib beyond that when I first started I took a bunch of measurements of my body and haven't really seen any changes in those measurements either, I am not losing pounds or inches and I have no idea why. Another concern that I have the days after we work out my buddy is always extremely sore, in my case I feel as if I never even worked out I am not in the least bit sore I am not sure if that may be related or if I just have wolverine like regeneration but it is kind of odd. In any case I am wondering if any one might be able to help me figure out why I am not burning any fat or losing any weight. I thought maybe doing cardio 1-2 days a week would help me but my buddy said that strength training is far more effective in losing weight than cardio and I did find some research that supports that but I am still unsure.
I honestly find cardio better for melting the pounds than strength training.. I know strength continues to burn calories while your muscles repair etc but recon you burn more calories initially from a good cardio session!! Anything that your drenched in sweat afterwards is good ;) I tend to do a mixture of both but definitely do more of the running about sweaty stuff that improves fitness ;)
I honestly find cardio better for melting the pounds than strength training.. I know strength continues to burn calories while your muscles repair etc but recon you burn more calories initially from a good cardio session!! Anything that your drenched in sweat afterwards is good ;) I tend to do a mixture of both but definitely do more of the running about sweaty stuff that improves fitness ;)

Thanks for the advice, I think I will try to mix in some cardio maybe 2-3 times a week and see what results I get.
While strength training is important to fat loss, cardio is still an important piece of the puzzle. Strength training builds muscle which increases metabolism and makes you look toned once you're at a low enough body fat percentage. However, muscle building alone won't burn fat. Fat doesn't turn into muscle, you just build muscle under your fat! As the above person said, HIIT cardio is very effective at burning fat, and you won't be stuck on a treadmill for 45 minutes because it focuses on short, intense exercise sessions. Add in 2-3 sessions a week and see what results that gets you. And no slow-go walking either, that doesn't count! You have to be sweating and puffing. The stress is what will make your body burn the fat off.
Thanks for the advice guys! I am actually somewhat familiar with HIIT I used to jog amd sprint intermittantly on the treadmill for about 20-30 minutes a day until I got rid of yhe tredmill... Proba ly a mistake in retrospect. In any case this wont be a big deal to implament along with my current strength training on a daily basis. I notmally have an hour lunch at work bit only ever take 15 to 20 minutes and there is a community gym that I have access to not half a mile down the road from where I work. I think I should be able to do some interval spri ts on a daily basis on my lunch break and still break out the strength training in the eveneing with my buddy. What do you all think?

Ps sorry for any spelling mistKes as this is sent from klmy cheap work phone.
Before you perform different exercises, get your diet on check. Eating 3-5 small to mid size meals doesn't mean anything until you know how many calories you're getting in at the end of the day. Find out what your maintenance calorie is and eat around 500 calories less than that. Look up TDEE calculators. I highly suggest you take the time to count your calories (myfitnesspal helps) each day and go from there.

You can do all the HIIT exercises you want but it'll get you nowhere in terms of weight loss if you're eating above maintenance. You have the motivation to exercises, combine it with diet and you'll see faster results in one month compared to what you're currently doing for two.
You may want to consider heart rate training. Strap on the hr moniter and make sure you stay within the fat burning range of what your heart rate should be based on your age/sex. If you peak your heart rate you're body will naturally hang onto the fat for energy.
You should add in some cardio training as well, my friend started working out 6 months ago and has lost 25 lbs. It takes time, just keep on working at it.
It really depends on what you want to achieve, to see results in the scale or "the mirror". Because you work out 5-6 days weights you probably put on a lot of muscle tissue. So you can still achieve your goals but it will take you a lot longer. If you want to lose weight or see changes in the scale, then cardio is more effective. Because you weight 220lbs, just imagine running on that weight man you'll burn a shit more calories. If you walked for 6km x 100kg. That's already 600calories burnt by walking.
Just imagine doing interval.

I listen to this guy when it comes to health and fitness. Very well respected in the industry and he likes utilizing all forms of training.
do you know that mussle weigh more then fat? So maybe you are getting more athletic but the scale remains the same