Sport 2 easy questions

Sport Fitness
Turkey, A okay (maybe a bit too much sodium, and the same with ham except it's prob fatty.

Never heard. just look at the nutrition labels and judge for yourself.
Not turkey and ham. TurkeyHam, all in one meat lol.

And the cheese has no labels, we got it from a Amish food market. All it says is made with skim milk and yogurt. Its really good though, so I figured it may be bad.
I would think that if the Amish made it, it's probably pretty natural, so that's good, but not necessarily low in fat/sugar/cals etc - but that's not so bad depending on your diet/exercise goals and such.

What the heck is turkeyham, is that like, the butt of a turkey?:p (being that ham is the butt part of a pig)
That musta been one rough night for the turkey.

HAHA...worst image ever.