Sport 2 Beers a day bad?

Sport Fitness
um no i dont think it is apparently wine is good for u tho and sorry i dont know why :( im sure a beer every 3 days or so couldent hurt
If your going to drink beer i'd try to do it only once maybe twice a week, drinking beer everyday will make your workout in the gym the next day even harder, so IMO save beer nights to just one maybe two nights a week when you go out with mates or whatever, that's what I do.
The problem with Beer isn't so much the alcohol (in the context of a consumption of just 2 pints) but the fact it's made by fermenting sugars. Maybe you could try a low-carb beer? I think Grolsh make one.
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I put 2 beers under cheat meal classification.

You may be fine having 2 beers a day, still reach your goals. I really could not disrespect myself by saying it was ok, personally.
I agree with C-MayheM. 2 beers/day, commonly defined as moderate, acceptable drinking by most studies, fall in to the cheat food category, or "discretionary" calories.

Excluding any pre-existing conditions or diseases from excessive drinking, here are some of the effects of alcohol (spirits, beer, or wine) on fitness:

1. Excess calories: regardless of whether it is a low-carb beer or not, you are still getting calories from the alcohol. These calories are considered non-nutritional calories.

2. Alcohol lowers inhibitions: Which is good for some things ;) but not necessarily when it comes to chicken wings and chili-cheese fries. Again, potential for more calories, as it increases your appetite, even if it is healthy food.

3. Alcohol slows fat burning metabolism and absorption of vitamins/minerals.

4. Alcohol causes dehydration, and reduces testosterone levels, both of which can slow muscle growth and repair.

While none of these are insurmountable when alcohol is kept in moderation, it will have a "slowing" affect on what you are trying to achieve as part of your fitness goals, particularly if you are trying to reduce body fat.

So are two beers a day bad? The answer is, it depends. Look at your goals and see what they truly are and what effect the alcohol will have on those goals.

There is something to be said for moderation. You aren't always feeling like you are missing out on something, so there is less temptation to "binge", whether it is beer, pizza, or both.
as far as carbs go...Don't they use the whole grains in beer making?....(I checked and no fiber, so there goes that idea)

Most beers have around 100-120 calories which I would consider pretty negligible. I might consider having 1 a day

Alcohol can slow metabolism, but I wouldn't think the effect of one beer would be that great

Here's some food for thought...
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Most beers have around 100-120 calories which I would consider pretty negligible. I might consider having 1 a day

Negligible? Ok, so one beer a day times 7 days a week equals to 770calories(assuming your right on the calories in beer).

Thats far from negligible. That could easily break a goal of a pound or two per week weight loss.
Negligible? Ok, so one beer a day times 7 days a week equals to 770calories(assuming your right on the calories in beer).

Thats far from negligible. That could easily break a goal of a pound or two per week weight loss.

If you are doing a sufficient amount of cardio that is nothing. Not to mention, not everyone is trying to lose weight.

Do you count calories to that degree? With my activity level I have to eat pretty much all I can not to waste away, especially eating a good diet.
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Well it might be whole grain if you didn't strain anything out. ;)

But then I am not sure that you would want to drink something like that, it would be near impossible to stabilize the fermentation.

Honestly I would not be all that concerned about the calories either, 2 beers @ approx 150-200 cal total is less than 10% of the daily calorie intake for the average active adult with some form of daily exercise routine.

The effect of the alcohol on the processes within the body's metabolism, to include protein synthesis as jman states, is probably the effect that has a larger impact, although I would hesitate to call it a huge problem.

The bottom line is most people looking to maintain an above average state of fitness but not a hardcore BB'er or athlete looking for the extra edge will most likely not be seriously affected by alcohol in moderation.
Sure its fine.

If you dont care about your fitness goals.

ooooooooh burn..... :D

mate is used to drink 1/2 - full bottle of Jack Daniels a night. trust me, if you stop drinking after a week or two you wont miss it anymore

just go out on the weekend, have a few, you'll enjoy it more