
Welcome to the forum!
...start a diary. Mark my space. Feel like I'm finally doing something.

Ok, I will start all the official stuff tomorrow. 🤣
You may find that starting a diary is enough to get you going. It's very therapeutic & after a while, you imagine your forum buddies encouraging you to eat well. We're a pretty good cheer squad. Welcome to our little part of the world :)
Consistency is key. Be stubborn, really stubborn. Determination will get you there!
And if you do stumble some time: don't stay away. We've all been there so there's no shame. Just get back up and try again right away rather than waiting until tomorrow or next week.
Exactly. To help, especially at first, eating food with plenty of volume but not a lot of calories (like veggies and some fruit) is great. That way you've still got something to bite and chew, your brain sees a full plate, and as a bonus you're getting extra fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
You sound like you have a good plan. Some people cope with seeing fluctuations & weigh often, but I'm not one of them. Once a month when you trust the process is good, I think.
It's not a huge issue, but when I get all nice and comfortable with a regime it is sort of irritating when my rhythm is disturbed by some outside influence. Well, you obviously can't control everything in life, but when you need to exercise self-control, and you already know from experience that even the smallest things can throw you off the balance, you'd rather not deal with anything stressful.
I'm autistic, so I can relate to this feeling SO HARD. But it sounds to me like you were able to navigate this stressor really well! Be proud! I'm glad you enjoyed the road trip :)
Excellent work adapting to circumstances rather than using them as excuses to deviate from your new course.
You did very well adapting as you did. It does show that you're well & truly on track.
If you're counting the days already two years are going to be very long. Plus if you go back to your old diet afterwards you'll likely regain. So... is there a way to make your current plan more fun while still being effective? Or do you have a plan for how you're going to transition to maintenance?
You've got this! We are here for support when you feel like you need it, and if at some point you feel like posting the daily grind will help you stick to it, never worry about boring us. This is your diary, so use it however you like! Best of luck :)
Who needs a gym when you have IKEA.
Ain't that the truth! I'm about to do an Ikea haul this week too.

Sleep is important, but if you can't fall asleep, try to relax in bed or on the couch in a comfortable position. Getting some rest for the body is still better than getting no rest for the body or the brain.
In the end balance is what we all need and what will help you keep going during maintenance. It's hard, and I'm not there yet myself, but it's worth it.