17 Year old looking for workout plan

Hi! I'm new to these forums so please forgive me if I'm posting anything in the wrong places ><

I've just turned 17 and am looking for a workout plan as I will be visiting the gym frequently next month. Some things about myself that you might like to know:
- 145 pounds - around 5'8 - body fat percentage of 8. something -Usually bench 125 pounds 8 reps -diet: I eat/drink plenty of grains, milk and vegetables - vertical of around 70

I haven't worked out before except during my school's gym class. Lately, I've been doing running.
Sprint - 8's, endurance training etc.

I'm concernced about improving my upper body ( since I play softball ), my cardio. endurance, speed ( since I play point guard in basketball ), hops, and having a generally more muscular body

My cousin has recommended me to take Casiem (a protein supplement). I was wondering if this or anything else will be right for me

Thanks for taking your time to read all this and your help is much appreciated =D
Google westside for skinny bastards part III. Follow it religiously.

Also, eat more calories than you expend. This may require some experimentation, but for now google BMR and put in an activity level of moderate (which means multiply BMR by 1.6 for maintenance calories - how much you need to eat to stay where you are). Then add 20%.

Lastly, it sounds like you need more protein, so definitely whey or casein if you're not eating meat. Aim for 1g protein per lb of bodyweight. 140-175g per day in your case.

Best wishes. :)
yeah, definitely follow a tried and true program starting out, take it from me... a guy who made his own junky program and saw very little results for a long time.
I was the same as you

You sound just like I was, when I was 17. I am now 19 and have been lifting for 3 years now. I take protein shakes before and after my workouts, as was mentioned in the prior post. I can't seem to put on a bunch of weight, but I am quite big, muscle wise anyway. I love working out. I am at school now taking some classes on sports nutrition, etc. Hoping to learn more to really start to bulk up a bit. I have added some of my routines on my site , if you want to see what type of workouts I do. And they really work, give them a look, I just started to use the program that I have on the site to "no nonsense muscle building", I will let everyone know how that works after a few months of using it, but it does appear to be very good so far.
Wow. Thanks for all the replies

I've been following the westside for skinny bastards regimen for 3 days now and taking whey protein supplements after i wake and after workouts.
I'm happy to say that I've already gotten some results =)

Again, I'd like to thank all of you for all the help
Try and get 40g of simple sugar into that PWO drink. It'll help, a lot. A lot of people use dextrose cause it's cheap and hits the blood relatively fast. You can usually get it in bulk at wine making type shops for way less than the supplement stores charge... if you're willing to buy a whole bucket. :) Gatorade powder or something like that might also be an option, but that's considerably more expensive. Some people say gatorade + vanilla whey is really tasty.

Any type of sugar will do, really, but fruits are not an optimal choice. Tasty, but fructose + protein/fat = not the desired super high GI carb action.

If it's available where you live, you could go one better and just drink half a litre of fat free chocolate milk (with half a scoop of whey in it if you want more than 20'ish grams of protein) PWO.

Also, rock on. :D
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Okay, it's been a week since I've started working out and I just wanted to update you guys on whatever progress I'm getting and to ask a few questions that have been on my mind.

So far, I've gained about 2 pounds of muscle... And I THINK I'm getting a bit leaner.

@Focus: Thanks for the tips bro =D
My mom's already not big on me getting the whey protein supplements saying she doesn't want me putting all this crap in my body so I doubt I'll be able to get any of that sugar.

1. I'd like to know what's the approximate range of reps to balance out strength and muscle hypertrophy. I usually do about 10 reps and 3-4 sets for each exercise.

2. Does anybody know what ON rocky road flavored whey tastes good with?

Thanks again for the help =)
hey congrats dude. keep it up. tho i gotta say, that weight you gained couldn't be all muscle. 2 lbs of muscle in a week is mega difficult. but if so, that would be extremely impressive.
Hey, I was wondering if Westside for skinny bastards part III is good workout plan...
Has it been working for you lately? Im willing to try it if anyone tells me they had good results. I begin my workout on monday :D
Hey, I think Westside for Skinny Bastards is a pretty good workout plan.
I've been following it pretty closely and have stuck to a general group of workouts that I'm most comfortable with.

As for results, after working out for three weeks, I've been able to lift a bit more than when I had started.
Although my muscles don't seem to have gotten much bigger, I could show you before and after pictures if you are interested in seeing them.

Unfortunately, I can't really compare this plan to others well as I have never followed another. But from reading other plans that I have found, this plan seems quite good compared to others since it has a good combination of compound and isolation exercises that will work your whole body out.

Good luck
Oh ok. Well you seem happy about it thats a good a thing I guess. Sure dude post them pics up heh. Do you follow your diet strictly?
Happy birthday man ! :)

Here are the photos.
http ://s511.photobucket.com/albums/s354/j_m91/
Remove the space after 'http' and then copy it into your browser.

Each day, I eat around 2500 - 3000 calories. I eat pretty healthy except for the 1 or 2 fast food meals I have every week.

Regarding your other post, creatine will definitely increase your workout capacity after the creatine kicks in in your system. I think that you should take whey protein supplements as well if you're going to work out. They help repair your muscles faster which leads to faster muscle growth + it's a totally natural product! =)

Yeah im going to buy some Whey protein as well. Nice man you look like you can get a clean bulk. Im a little bit fatter kinda like skinny fat. Your muscles look a bit more defined after the 3 weeks. Tomorrow my quest begins :D
Ill post some pics soon