17 in a month.

Hi everyone my name is jon im 16 and 160 lbs. im 5'11". 10.5 percent body fat says this site i found to measure body fat at home. Im pretty much lost when it comes to a workout plan. I do about 20-40 push ups a day but lately they have been sore and thats all lol. i like to play basketball. i am trying to get in a league. so if anyone will give me some advice or a workout plan i will follow it.
i also have super whey protein powder (disgusting). i dont know when do and when not do drink it . so thanks in advance people

heres where i got my body fat %
err what are your goals? Are you aiming to bulk up or be lean muscle and an aerobic powerhouse?
If your looking to be one moving lump of muscle then push ups alone wont cut it. Try the navy seals workout, its evil but good. there are several parts to the workout so watch the videos that link in with it.
this will work your whole body.
Food wise avoid fatty food as much as possible and have lean meat as much as possible too. You also need to increase your calorie intake to build muscle so eat more calories and protein. Have that protein shake of yours before and after your workout.
thanks for that . my goals are pretty much simple i wannna lose this belly fat i have .
is there a way to make the healing process faster for worked muscles
You need guidance you can trust and specifics to follow daily. CHEAP WOULD BE GOOD TOO RIGHT?!
The way I train my clients, and my own training, are very similar to what you'll find at this site: Core Performance.com

Function and muscle balance are just as important as size, so get 'em all.
You'll love this site cause it gives you all you'll need as a beginner. Then, as you progress, you can get into traditional body building workouts and incorporate some activities you've learned to that point.

Have fun!
After your workouts, do hot/cold contrast showers. You'll feel great once you get used to them.

Hot water for about 60-120 seconds then cold water for 30 seconds or so. End with cold water during the day and hot at night if you've just trained at night. do 3-5 cycles or so.

Do a little research into recovery activites. They'll be extremely beneficial in your training to come.

P.S. if you train at a gym it's great cause you can use their showers and not foot the bill for all the water you'll be using. Gotta shower anyway right.
oh yeah I do that too. Its like the ice baths :)