16 Years Old - Want to get in shape

Hi, I'm a 16 year old male and I really want to get in shape this year.

I have never really done any serious workouts and I need help. I have access to free weights, a workout bench, and a treadmill.

My goals would probably be to tone out my stomach and work towards a six pack :) and get my running time under 7:15 minutes.

I'm right now about 5 foot 5 inches and 117 pounds.

sadly I'm really a couch potato so I need to start off small like I have been reading. If anyone out there can help me seriously get a workout routine setup, I'd be so happy, hehe.

also, should I buy a pull-up bar? I probably can and I was wondering if it would really help improve my strength.

Thanks in advance to anyone who responds, I really appreciate it!.
I just checked with an online calculator, and my body fat is estimated at around 17.75 percent. What should I aim for?

also, I try to eat a good breakfast in the morning, Eggs bacon. I bring my lunch to school, usually a sandwich, chips, and usually an apple. Dinner is whatever is for dinner and is usually not to bad in terms of health. Other than that I tend to not eat to many greens.
First thing I'll tell you is that your body fat % is a bit high. Especially for only being 5' 5" and 117 lbs. Your young, so you should be able to get it down to fairly easily. I believe you could get it down to 13 or 14%.

To tone your abs out, you don't need anything fancy. I can tell you from experience that two intervals of 50 second leg lifts will be good for a start. You simply need to lay flat on your back and lift your legs 6 inches off the ground. Keep your toes pointed forward! You should also add roughly 25-40 sit ups, depending on your current ab strength. Try to do this for 6 days a week, and add 5 sit ups every week.

Keep note, the above will improve the strength of your abdominal muscles. If your looking to get ripped, you need to get rid of that layer of fat around your abdomen.

With a 7:15 mile time, you should have no problem running 2 miles 3 or 4 days a week. Eventually your endurance will increase so you can up your mileage.

A pull-up bar might sound nice, but is hardly necessary. Stick to the bench press, military press, and a variety of push ups.
I just checked with an online calculator, and my body fat is estimated at around 17.75 percent. What should I aim for?

also, I try to eat a good breakfast in the morning, Eggs bacon. I bring my lunch to school, usually a sandwich, chips, and usually an apple. Dinner is whatever is for dinner and is usually not to bad in terms of health. Other than that I tend to not eat to many greens.

cut out things like chips and bacon man.