16 year old wants to eat right for his workout

Hi i am a 16 year old 3 months from being 17 and have been going to the gym for about 2 months now. ive had a trainer do a workout for me when i started which was part of my year subscription for 410 dollers. he sed lots of chicken red meat and fish oats and protein shakes are good. ever since ive started i have oats for breakfast every day. other then that i just eat what my mum cooks up haha but yeah ill start of by giving u the workout i do


Bench Press 3 sets of 8-12 reps 15kg first rep 10 the other 2

Incline Press 3 sets of 8-12 reps Bar for first set and 5 kg for the other 2

Shoulder press 3 sets of 8-12 reps just the bar

Dumbbell presses 3 sets of 8-12 reps of 6.75 kg

Skull crushers 3 sets of 15 reps 5 Kg

Close Grip Bench 3 sets of 10 reps. dont know the weight


Barbell Curls 3 sets of 12 reps 15 KG

dumbell curls 3 sets of 15 reps 6.75 kg

Latpulldow 3 sets of 40 kg as many reps as i can do

Row T-Bar 3 sets 45 kg 8-12 reps

Friday I do my Legs Abs calves

Im only allowed to do 4 workouts a week apparently so yeh i hope that gives u a gist of what i do but what im really after is a good food plan for the week i eat junkfood like once a week and only a tiny bit i try my hardest to eat healthy but i really wana get the best out of my workout and get a solid food plan i weigh 59 kg im skinny and rather tonned and am wanting to build my muscle :) like no fat on my body what so ever. so any help with a food plan for each week would be sweet guys and sorry for my **** spelling and grammer
My Gawd...shoot your trainer (just kidding...kind of)

Seriously, you are 16 and your body is not done changing. At this point, you just need to build the foundation. The workout you have is pretty muscle mag-meat head nonsense....that will leave you with unnecessary injuries.

I would recommend looking for TBT training in the forum (usually on stickies).
Learn to use bodyweight movments first and foremost. Get involved with a sport or two (fro crying out loud you should be playing outside for the most part).

Eat 3 solid meals a day. Each with a good form of protein (whole foods) and plenty of veggies.

Hopefully that helps....see if you can get a refund from your trainer:p
OK, here is the thing, you probably get enough protein if you eat a regular diet. Eating whole oats is good, so that you should not worry about. You do need whole foods so good if you are not trying to drink protein shakes every day...

Please post what you normally have for lunch and dinner (you favorites etc.) As long as you eat your veggies, whole grains and your good protein you should be fine (and some fruit, and not too much junk like coke etc.)

Also, in terms of your workout, I understand that you want to lift weights, and you can, this is fine, as long as you don't do anything stupid (like max out your weights and lift fifty different biceps exercises and forget your back). It does look like you are overemphasizing your biceps...

What do you do for your cardiovascular system? Do you run, play a sport, rollerblade, bike, skate, play basketball???? If not, please start.

When you do your legs, I hope you are doing squats.

And also remember, if you are not getting the results you want, it could either be your workout or your age. Some people can begin to build muscle at 14, others not till about 20, so don't worry about that, be safe, do your best, be healthy, and know why you do each exercise (because your trainer told you is not knowing...)

Have fun
Well yeah i eat oats some fruit toast and a cup of coffie every morning some times eggs with tomato mushroom and bakon and regular toast my mum tends to cook very healthy meals but ive been told chicken and red meat are to be eaten every day so im wondering if i should really crack down on it and i do a run on this machine that the trainer told me would be good coz its kind of a leg workout at the same time as cardio exercise every week i dont play any sport but i used to play basketball at school for fun and yeah i am pretty tall and loved it at the time but would be scared of joining a team and sucking ass at it. i allso eat lots of apples and bananas have half a glass of juice every day and 2 drinks of milk and cans of baked beans alot as well. i try to get mum to buy as much meat as posible for dinners e.g chicken and ever since i started going to the gym i like never ever have junk food coz im afraid it will just burn away all the efort i put in at the gym