16 year old needs to tone and lose weight


I'm a 16 year old female, 5'1 and I weigh 115 pounds. My goals are to loose 10 to 15 pounds and to tone my body (targeting my lower body: legs, butt, hips but I'd like to work on my upper body (arms and stomach) as well).

Here's how I'm used to eating:

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: fish sandwhich or meat with 1 cup rice
Dinner: banana and milk
*Water: 8 glasses a day

I do sports 3 times a week for an hour and a half and I jump rope for an hour the rest of the week. I read that weight training (but I don't know which exercises to do) would help as well as eating 5 to 6 small meals a day instead of 3 meals.

I'd appreciate any advice, help and information. :)
Look at your diet. Work out you maintenance calories, and just go under that amount. However, what you are currently eating doesn't look sufficient to the amount of exercise your doing. Also weights would help you tone up. Work out 3 times per week, full body to allow your muscles time to repair. Erm... Anyone got ideas for workout?
now i am no expert, and i'm like you. I'm fourteen years old and i'm trying to lose weight. What i've heard, is if you work out a lot, you'll need to consume a lott more calories. From what you do and what you eat, it looks to me your not eating enough. Heres a calorie calculator:

put in all the right info about you, and whatever it saids by fat loss under the results, eat around that many calories. I'd divide it up by 6, since you've got to eat around 6 small meals a day. Also, work out a couple times a week, all these will help you lose weight from what i've learned.

Jeff K.
This is how I've decided to start eating:

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: Fruit or egg white
Lunch: Turkey,ham or fish sandwhich
Snack: Fruit or milk
Dinner: Salad with chicken or pita with chicken, vegetables and dressing.

How does this sound?
same situation

im a 15 year old girl. 124cm tall & weigh about 53kgs.
im not happy with my tummy, butt, upper legs & arms.
im not fat, just flabby. i want to know how to get rid of some flab off my tummy and thighs, and wana tone up my butt & arms.
im brain dead when it comes to this kinda stuff. i know that i have to eat well & exercise, but i need to know how much exrecse & how much to eat. anyone got any suggestionsssss ?
please !
One tip I can give you all is, work hard and be sure as hell to EAT plenty

Believe me I know, if you don't eat enough and overdo it you'll end up down the road with an eating disorder, that's what happened to me :(

Just be careful, and I'd advise making gradual changes, and setting yourself targets rather than doing too much too quickly.

Best of luck to you :)