Hey man, check out absecrets.com. It's not really a training program, but it does give some insight on your abs and how they work. If you're serious about changing the way you look, you obviously have to change the way you eat, and exercise. When I started really working out again after a long break, the first thing I did was quit drinking sodas. It might not do A LOT, but limiting yourself to things like water, gatorade, and juices really help your body function the way it's meant to. Another simple thing to do as far as diet is cut back on the junk food. I'm young like you, and I realize following diet plans are hard as crap because we can't always make grilled chicken and rice... so just cut back on the cheese burgers and stuff like that. Exercise wise, do some running (and I don't mean run for 5 minutes a day). Really commit to trying to run 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week. If you can't to that, start out smaller and work your way up. When you start losing body fat, you're going to be able to see your abdominal muscles better.
Anyways man, enough with the rambling. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I don't know a ton but I enjoy doing stuff like this. Hope I was of some help.