16 year old looking to get more tone and bigger

Height: 5'9
Weight: 128

My arms are kinda small, but i have pretty decent biceps. My abs are okay , not the best, and my legs are in pretty good condition. I would like to know how to get bigger and into more muscular tone.

I eat breakfest every morning (cereal)
I know its not good but I dont get a lunch normally. (Im aware i need to start making one)
And dinner i can eat anything a big meal
I also have a lot of snacks between after school and when i go to bed.

I have a high metabilism, no matter what i eat, ive always been pretty skinny. I work out 1-2 times a week, and do cardio 5-6 times a week. Just looking to get bigger and more muscular. Good excersises? etc.

I was also wondering if anybody else had this problem... I was doing pushups a while ago and my left arm started cracking everytime i extended fully. Now it happens all the time and when im bench pressing it also affects. I can do the motion of bench pressing no problem but it cracks when weight is applied, and it cracks when fully extending everytime. It gets a bit sore when bench pressing too along with it being annoying? Any ideas what it is, how it happened or how to get rid of it? It would greatly be appreciated, thanks.
Your diet needs to be improved alot. You need to start eating 5-6 smaller meals a day. And what do you mean by snacks? You need to cut all junk food out of your diet. Get alot of protein,veggies,and carbs. You will put on weight even if you do have a high metabolism. What workout are you doing only 1-2 times a week? Regardless you should switch to a fullbody 3x a week. As for the cracking, as long as it doesn't hurt you should be fine. That has to do with your bones releasing gas or something to that effect
Okay, and for the workout part

i do

bicep curls
hammer curls
concentration curls
small bar curls
Dumbell flys

only for 2 weeks now have i done all this, but im sticking to it

i used to just do bicep curls, pushups (before elbow things) and situps

and the cracking does get sore while bench pressing
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heh i know

i do
10 sets of each 2-3 times depends on how im feeling
and will do, im going to change my diet and go see a doctor and include varios excesises

thanks man
I think Jake hit on most of the important stuff! cut out the junk food (and soda). Yeah, WWWAAAYYYYY too many curls, lol!! Full body workouts are best for your age and goals. Not sure about the cracking! Good luck.
Cardio 5-6 times a week, stop. Hit those weights harder. You are one of those kids thats gonna have a hard time getting over that first hill into bulking. You are going to have to eat a lot of food man, clean healthy nutritious food.

Congrats on all the bicep curls, even if you never accomplish anything from them, you get my approval. Now lets move on to real lifts.

Read the stickies, and that t-nation link above.
thanks guys

but ive always wondered, if i wanted to put on more weight wouldnt i want to eat less healthier foods.. ive never gotton that.. but it looks like healthy stuff for me
thanks guys

but ive always wondered, if i wanted to put on more weight wouldnt i want to eat less healthier foods.. ive never gotton that.. but it looks like healthy stuff for me

NO. You will put on weight eating garbage, but not the right kind of weight. You want to put on muscle, not fat. Give your muscles the kind of food they need
I think there's happy medium between the Testosterone Nation plan and doing 4 different kinds of bicep curls. I get much better results from a 4 day split rather that full body workouts
Split 'em!

I agree with theGOOCH, I've always struggled with doing full body workouts 3 times a week because depending on how much you're doing, you are at more of a risk for straining something. Typically you need 2-3 days for a muscle to repair itself. I like a 3 day split - arms, chest, back - but that's just personal preference I guess
Everybody is going to have a workout that works best for them and one that doesn't work for them. Everybody's body is different and reacts differently also. Experiment with different types of workouts and see what works best for you.
Based on the body type theory by William Shelding you're a Ectomorph. Meaning you're skinny and have a hard time putting on wieght (muscle and fat). You're a hard gainer and will need alot of food to gain muscle. You should also do a bigger variety of excersizes. Having well developed triceps (which are 2/3 your arm) can make your biceps seem bigger too. You should add in, lateral raises, benchpress, dumbbell chest press, shoulder press. and of course a bunch of back and leg excersizes.

One thing interesting to know is, I think the addition of leg excersizes stimulates overall muscle growth. Before I used to only workout upper body (which is really unhealthy for you) now I workout my legs too and my upper body gains are bigger as well.

I can help you with a workout routine if you'd like.
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